VOPS Retreat 2011Q4

This is the very first VOPS retreat whereby I am not the latest! Woo hoo~~~ hahaha…. It was raining heavily when I left the house so I waited for the rain not to be so scary first. lol… Was still wondering if it will rain the whole day but heng arh it nvr!

When we reach USS, we were quite stunned to see so many ppl wandering ard and queuing for tix! Haha


Ppl who queued for our tix! lol….


We passed by Madagascar A Crate Adventure and wanted to take it but the queue time was just too long so we went to Far Far Away Section first.

Attendance taking no 1 with Far Far Away castle. I m not inside… but err I must be there so as to b able to take e photo for them? 😀


Our first ride is Enchanted Airways. Didnt get to take it during my 1st trip there cuz it was raining then. It looks like roller coaster for juniors but…. I m damn xia suey la…. I scream from the start to the end. In the end, my colleagues asked me if really got so scary mah. hahah….. The lil donkey at the end of the roller coaster looks so innocent….


After this, we went to watch the Shrek 4D show. Somehow it wasnt as interesting as 1st time’s round maybe cuz I expected the spiders to come out and the row we r in dont really rock. lol… Effect not there.

We tried to go Jurassic Park next but it was like flooded! erm not with water…. with people. Haha… For some reason, there doesnt seem to be any crowd control. I think that day was even more crowded than New Year’s Day (my first visit)!

So we went to the Mummy first. I dunno what possessed me to take the Mummy ride this time round but the sign sure dun give reassurance hor?


Hahah… it turn out err… I screamed most of the times too! Haha… got a period of time I still thought my specs flew off…. zzz… But ok la… it didnt hahha…. I think the dark helps too tho I realised I closed my eyes most of the times too… Bery duh. haha….

The silly ride got take secret shot of us! Boo~~~ It showed me closing my eyes and looking bery scared! hahah…. We bought the photo. I looked damn goon la since most of them look quite cool abt it hahah…..

Mummy ride

Then the crazy guy in blue is determined to take all e roller coasters in the morning. So he determinedly headed towards Cylon, the blue line of Battlestar Galatica. By then, my legs were kinda jelly after the Mummy ride and I think I really cant take it so I decided to give BSG a miss. hahah…. I tell u it wasnt easy with the amount of “persuasion”. Lol…

The brave warriors who decided to go on BSG. 4 of us stayed behind to look after the bags.


Next up is Accelerator. The name sounds scary but the ride looks like the kiddy kind of teacups merry go round. Looks r deceiving; the name gives it a better description. Its actually quite giddy to sit in there sia! I feel abit like puking after twirling so many rounds hahah


Lunch nvr come early enough…. Haha…. There’s a 3rd pizza but it haben arrive when we took the picture.


After lunch, on our way to Lights, Camera Action, we passed by this nondescript place.


It reminded me of my first visit to USS where we act emo and was kenna watched by a group of people. hahaha


When the hurricane ended, we walked towards Waterworld and passed by Madagascar: A Crate Adventure and saw that the queue time is short! haha…. its like 15 min wait only. So we decided to take e ride before going to Waterworld.


The ride is like for kids and its the “its a small small world” kind of ride. Abit sleep inducing haha…. But gd for resting of legs haha….

We then rushed to Waterworld cuz the show is at 3pm. So surprising! Considering the crowd in USS that day, we no need to queue for Waterworld. Just walk in and got seat le. haha… Tried to con my teammate to sit at the blue area; tell him there is cooler but the cast already start kajiao-ing the audience at blue seats le. So conning failed …. haha…

I finally managed to watch finish this show le! haha…. no hav rain to disrupt the show. 😀 The show is not bad, worth a watch.

We attempted to go Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure again next but the queue wait time was like 175 min or something like that 😦 So skipped it and …. we went to ….

BSG red line!!! Hahaha…. they tried to drag me to take it again! Boo~~~ I can still feel the pizza tho hahah… So once again, I volunteered to be bag keeper. haha…. When their ride finish, it was really bery hot by then so we all queued to buy drinks! I bought a cola freeze! 😀 cold cold~~~


Best thing to do on a hot and humid day is to… hide in aircon room and watch Monster show! haha…. I think got some difference from the last time I watch. They walked down the stage this time and kajiao 1 of my teammates. haha… Think cuz he playing iPhone at that time bwhahahah….. And I fell asleep during the last part. 😀

We decided to give Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure 1 last try. But the queue is still 110 minutes and by then its 5.00pm le! So we went to take the Canopy Flyer. Haha…. Think I grew taller since 1st Jan! When I was on the ride, my legs felt as if they r going to hit the trees and the poles! N of course I screamed all e way too. lol… Its a fast ride so by the time I came back, my teammates r just buckling up. When I see the photo, then I was wondering why it looks blur-er than the first pic of the day. It then struck me! My hands must be trembling! hahaha…..


And that ended our retreat! Haha…. Super tiring sia! I so feel like rolling myself home after that…

Think we dun have much luck with mascots that day …. All the mascots we saw arent the popular ones or I just see the backside of the popular ones…. boo~~

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This is an interesting section retreat cuz if u noticed, all the above photos are taken using iPhone! No one brought camera! hahaha…. It was raining heavily in the morning so a few of us were wondering abt whether camera will get soaked. lol… So become no camera lo….

Quite an enjoyable retreat all in all. This may be a weird timing for retreat considering our project is rolling out but we wanted to have 1 before our manager gets transferred out and just nice the project rollout was temporary halted to give us time to roll in the fixes. haha…. Its resuming tonight! And I m on duty! bah!