CNY 2012

Whee~~~ My favourite festival of e yr is here!! Ok… it’s over for close to 1 mth le… hahha but thats cuz I delayed in blogging…. hahah… Only picked selected days to blog abt haha

Ever since I started work (and hence got $$), every yr CNY will begin with…



😀 this set costs $92! hahah They r gel overlay. Poor manicurist was sick when I went. Then was telling her she can text us to say sick then we cancel lo. Then she say cannot cuz if we wanna rearrange then she will die cuz all slots full le!

Eve of 除夕

Went shopping at cityhall area w fren. Wah Shld have done all my shopping on this day lo! The shops are empty de! I am a gd stimulant to the economy! My fren bought at least 6 tops! Haha… I only bought a pair of heels and a top that look like something i have :p The right one is the one I bought hahha


After shopping, went MBS to meet up another grp of frenz for Wicked!! Hahha~~~ Its very gd!! I totally love how the plot unfolds. But sadly from my seat, the sound was too good; not loud enough. Was complaining this to another of my fren then she said hers was at stall and the sound was ok.

This photo was taken before the show start then got a usher came towards me n say no pic haha but she nvr ask me to erase the pic so here goes. haha….


Think Wicked is my next fav performance after Forbidden City! 😀


Last min cleaning of my rm~~~ I start to clear the pile of letters that’s been gathering dust for ….. the past 1 yr! hahaha… I cleared the letters and realised that some were dated Jan 2o11! haha… Decided to keep e specs lying ard on my table too :p


After clearing table came… ironing! booo~~~ All e new clothes I bought nd to iron so tiring haha…. And i still tink i nvr buy enuff new year clothes :p

Then its my fav… 团圆饭! 😀 my mum made this kind of abalone chinese style salad w plum sauce, cucumbers and err dunno wat other ingredients haha… We had steamboat as well. My bros’ gfs came over as well then my youngest bro realised his sis has a vastly bigger appetite than other girls cuz his gf stopped eating very early hahah….

After dinner, my mum started e ball rolling on blackjack! haha… As per prev yr…. i keep losing to her ! haha… 11 pts can draw a 4pt card…. haha… 16 pts will draw 7…. thats my luck 😦

While gambling, we watch the CNY countdown show. Got 1 portion say Pigs will have luck in romance this yr. My bro was telling my mum then my mum gave e power line “aiya… 不准的啦!” hahhaha….


First day of CNY le! New clothes new shoes!


Ok i forgot to take pic of my dress but …. e colour matches my nails! 😀 time to admire my nails again


Every yr’s 初一 we will go ard a few temples to pray. Previously we go round in lorry or van. This yr its a cab! My dad’s cab! My mum said, “嫁给你爸爸二十多年, 今年第一次坐私家车去拜拜” hahaha… then i was teasing my mother if she all along want a sedan car lol….

this yr i also decided to check in to fb to count the number of temples! 5 temples! :p

After temple visits, we went to our grandma’s place where my 2nd aunt cooked up a very nice lunch for us 😀 yummy! She did say I grew fatter le but tink didnt help in cutting down my appetite. haha… tink it runs in e family… my mum also went to tell my cousin’s gf that she grew fatter. :S

After lunch…. its… gambling lo! What else! hahah My mum’s luck at blackjack really not bad haha… keep eating my grandma’s n my aunts’ money. My grandma say my mum is “吃人王” (in hokkein) and my 4th aunt gt mad cuz she say e more u say, e more it will happen hahah… so funny

My grandma place this yr got a 神秘嘉宾 (almost wanted to say 不速之客 but my grandparents seem quite happy to see them)! haha… some big-shot relative came n 拜年! I was telling my younger cousin ever since my memory begins, i have nvr seen him so must hav been 20 yrs le bah. Then our elder cousin said since HER memory begins, she nvr see so errr 30 yrs le? hahaha…. Then both of us were quite bad. She said he came to show that his whole family is all lovey-dovey and united (there were news of matrimonial disharmony); I said he came cuz he not as popular as before so more time to do visiting le hahaha….

After e “special guests” left, its back to gambling! haha… Then got a few rounds my mum was e banker and she kept paying out $$ so she grumbled abit. My 2nd aunt was like “aiya… 你女儿的指甲$92! 这一点钱算什么!” haha… think my mum wanna kill me then lol….

Play ard evening time then went home and had kfc for dinner then go my dance instructor’s place! haha… First time went her place. Her dog really very energetic haha… We hang out and chatted till 11pm then so ended my 初一!


Went to watch 八星抱喜 with my mum! Think she never stepped into cinema for at least a decade le bah. We went the 112@Katong. Most of the shops were closed haha… My mum was quite amazed that there’s no security check so u can just buy 1 ticket and enter a few cinemas haha…. She quite enjoyed the show. Got a small boy sitting in front of us and he was laughing all e way too. Tho I wondered if he actually understand the jokes haha….

After the show we had lunch at Nolboo Hangari which no longer serves free flow of side dishes! 😮 what kind of self-respecting Korean restaurant dun serve free flow of side dishes?! Anyway, considering the lack of ppl in the restaurant, service was rather poor.

We then went Parkway Parade to shop… But most of the shops including Isetan was closed! haha… In e end, we just walked ard in Giant then go home liao haha….


Start work lo! This yr’s yellow top was bought rather early! 😀 no last min shopping for yellow top haha…


And to retain the CNY mood, kop my colleague’s ultra retro CNY album bwhahha…



Finally went Chinatown to take picture of the CNY deco. But dunno is it due to lack of crowd to contribute to the atmosphere, the lights didnt seem very nice.

Following is the only photo I like.


We finish shooting ard 8+pm then we went to 1 of our colleague’s place. He jz bought his place so we went to KPO and … played Kinect! Hahaha…. Damn its tiring… I only had like a few rounds of Fruit Ninja and I had muscle aches le…

After fruit ninja, we played Dance Central haha…. Damn xia suey… Dun let my dance instructor see, I dance damn terrible! hahha Still cant differentiate left and right hahahah…

Then after that my colleague’s sis came over to deposit some stuff at his place while hers is undergoing renov. haha so we got the chance to take pic w a Mercs in a HOUSE. hahah….



Met up with sec sch frenz for CNY reunion and we 捞鱼生! We had an interesting talk abt work and all. We were discussing abt how tough its to motivate/retain ppl like us cuz we had no house, no car, no kids and even no dogs! Haha… We no nd alot of $$ to b happy. (OK… 1 that is abt to quit did say if her boss offer her 20k per month she will stay… for 6 months only hahhaa)

So we went on to the what do u say when ur boss ask “what do u want?” Then someone started singing…. “…原来你什么都不想要~~”


After that think 1 of us added in “actually we all just wanna be happy! … 我要快乐 ….”

I tell u…. I cant help but laugh whenever 张惠妹’s song is playing on radio after this lunch :p

And i think this is my first yusheng of this CNY! 😀 haha…. Great lunch!


初七 aka 人日

Went Merchant Court Ellenborough for a family lunch with my paternal external family. As most of the “kids” aka us have started working, so the bill was split among 5 of us. Previously always paid by my 大伯.

I figured that since wanna eat so just get a decent one then since 5 ppl split mah so I kept to a budget of S$45/pax . But think 1 of my aunties wasnt too pleased abt it haha complained to my mum who told me next yr let my cousin choose the place. haha…. But my cousin herself also tinking of going back to Ellenborough next yr cuz the food is not bad! 😀

Then I also ordered 3 yusheng which kenna niam-ed again until I told them the price is just S$28 per plate haha… My mum tot it will be like S$50 which was the original price. Dunno why that day got 50% discount. Oh well S$28 cheaper than sushi teh’s S$32 le hahha….

After lunch, I went Funan with my cousin to buy camera. Make me gian to get LX5 also. blueh~

At night, energizer fren asking hw r my nails then … tadah! They r still looking bery pretty 😀



1 of the servers crashed causing some data discrepancy. Then 1 of my big bosses saw me and said “must be because of Yan Ling wear this dress la!” 😦 booo~~~ this dress nice mah! wats wrong?


Haha… later on in e evening is my coy CNY celeb too. Haha… quite fun… we split into teams and make dragon then still got to the lion-dance kinda dance with e dragon. Think 1 of my colleagues even apppeared as 大头娃娃! haha…


Cycling with fren in the morn. 2nd time trying the route from Tampines to Marina Barrage. Haha… I listened to colleague’s instruction: from east coast park cycled out to the Fort Road exit of ECP there then turn left into Tanjong Rhu straight and just cycle until u see indoor stadium.

At 1 pt I was really doubting this instruction then I decided to just cycle straight and tadah! The pics here were actually taken during my first time taking this route haha….


Really very lil ppl place. Hardly a person in sight.


This portion is Garden By the Bay East. Whole road no ppl in sight! haha….


My fren said if this is overseas, she will ask me help her take pic le cuz so picturesque.


The dome which houses lotsa plants from Gardens By the Bay… errr West? lol


Our ride back from the Barrage there is hell! Dunno why the 1st time wasnt so tiring… My legs and butt were really aching all the way back hahha…

After cycling I went home! Cuz… mum said wanted to clear food leftover from reunion dinner so wanna prepare steamboat again. Then… she invited my auntie’s family over too so…. it will b kinda squeezy for steamboat so we went out to coffeeshop to eat! hahaha… so e million dollar qn is where did the leftovers go?! Till now I still dunno…

After dinner, we went home and play BlackJack! haha… And I was on winning streak! I was the banker for a few rounds and I always managed to guess which players to open before I do top-up. My grandma say I m like my mum 😀

This also happen to be night where Chingay is ongoing so there’s fireworks at 10.30pm! But my grandmother left 10 min earlier cuz she said she very tired so she didnt get to see ~

The fireworks from Chingay is launched from the body of waters in the above Barrage pics there cuz I saw the firework cartons at the water when I cycled past in the morn. So the fireworks r even clearer! 😀


Another pic of the nice fireworks :p I last min took out my camera so didnt manage to use the fireworks mode…. lol…



Went home for dinner again! Yummy food 😀 abit remind me of e reunion dinner food… Hmmm… Wonder if this is where all the leftovers went to hahah…

Just like that, CNY is over! Sure wished we can have CNY hols for a full week! hahahha….









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