
Recently reading a chinese book and came across this phrase.


Really struck a chord in me cuz remind me of 2 grps of ppl

1) My dance instructor. I rem for her performances (and our errr 1 or 2 performances w her), she will always put alot of effort into the costumes. Cuz moves and everything she can grill us and stuff but whether we can do it, she can’t control. So costumes and makeup wise she will make sure at least we look good cuz thats within her control. I still rem the very 1st performance, she was e one doing our eye makeup n hair and she got so many performance groups! Everything she can control, she will do until sui sui. Really admire her energy level. haha…

2) We are rolling out proj to the last batch of users le. *yeah* (finally) Was super impressed at this last batch of users’ initiative and enthusiasm. They organised their own training session and attachment to the earlier batches of users to see how they do it. They took ownership of the rollout and decide when they wanna do the full cut of the system. Its the first time (in my errr x number of yrs in e coy anyway) that end users chase IT to cut. Previously, we practically have to beg; find our own time; arrange schedule for them; then get e schedule rejected; then ding n dong ding n dong then cut. haha… Then i was telling my colleague “ya actually i prefer to b chased then to go chasing after ppl. damn tiring to run after ppl; use up alot of energy.” haha I so like this last batch. And this way works too cuz when it comes frm top down, the grd ppl also do things more willingly and try more things out. And its a win-win situation cuz less resistance frm the grd means they can spend their energy understanding the system and trying out the new functions. On IT side, we also spend time on training instead of persuading them to try out. Actually they also taking a great leap of faith too since system is not done by them so its also something they cant control but what they can control is their attitude to the new system. So for that I really thank them.

😀 External factors that we cant control fall under 天命, i guess. Things within my control fall within 人事. hahha so once again “成与不成皆在天命,可是人事不能不尽”

For this last batch of users, I gotta go down n errr try to help? Anyway, one thing I saw is… The grd staff actually enjoy their work; to them this is just a game; aim of game: score. haha…. I saw quite a few of them click click click then sit back observe a bit then go back n click click. Quite difference from the other areas I been to. Atmosphere is different. Anyway, their productivity rates are the best among all the batches of users even during the rollout, so I guess this game atmosphere works. :p

Something frm Straits Times last sun


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