Boracay 201403 Part 2

Exchange rate is S$1 to 34 PHP

Friday 7 Mar 2014

We greet the morning with…. no plans! haha… What happened was the night before we tried to book Ariel’s Point with hotel then our hotel told us…. they cant confirm! Surprised smile Was quite surprised cuz the street agencies can like confirm on the spot but our resort cant. grrrrr…

Anyway, so we tried contacting MBG which was like 1600 PHP per pax but their response abit slow cuz its like all via email la. In e end, our resort told us they have slots available so we just go with them at 2400 PHP per pax.

After sorting out all these, we went for breakies then nua till 9.45am where we got reminded by the resort staff to pack up haha…

The resort minibus dropped us at this place named… “Ariel’s Point” hahah… It is near Beach Station 1. We walked out to see…


QL said “I can see someone is all rdy to jump in le”. hahha saying me me me! lol…. 1 very sane person (shld b YW la) went to ask what time we departing then the staff said approximately 1 hour later.

Thats it! Yippee~ *Splash into water*

As we splashed ard in waters, we can see dark clouds in e skies then we got a bit worried. But heng ah…. the dark clouds float away after a while. Open-mouthed smile

This is the boat that will bring us to Ariel’s Point! Looks very sturdy and cool eh


The boat got 2 lvls. The 2nd lvl is open top de. Heng we managed to get a cabin at 1st lvl


Onboard the boat, there’s a free flow of drinks. Drinks meaning… alcohol, beer n all. haha… And they got a few variety of beer! But before boarding the boat, warning was given tat dun jump when you are drunk. So i also dun dare drink much.

In a relatively short time (ok i fell asleep), we reached! Scary time! There are 3 levels: 5m, 10m and 15m.


The more garang ones once reached, started jumping le! haha so we 4 just sit ard and errr wait for e queue to subside. Smile with tongue out

Some things…  u jz cant run. The 5m board clear very fast! So once no one, we go over le

BUT none of us dare to go first! So we resort to childhood game of oh-pey-som. Odd one out will go first! We went like 5 rounds with all 3 of us yielding e same results. Haha ppl crowding ard the area were very amused by us.

Wellll somehow e most 胆小wan had to go first Surprised smile Disappointed smile Confused smile

Cuz I can’t swim so I wore a life jacket. When I stepped onto e board, e lifeguard below blow his whistle n indicate to take off life jacket Disappointed smile so bo Bian lo remove…

I tell u…. It’s really scary to just walk out. And it doesnt help with this sign there lo


My legs turn jelly! I m like inching forward while grabbing e railing. I tot i stood there for an eternity but from the video … doesnt look that long la hor….

Eternity is from the pt when i jump off the board till the time I reached the waters. The thot of “Why am i still not in the water” ran through my mind 4-5 times before I really splashed into the water haha… And when u go into the water, water will gush in through ur nose so can taste all the sea water. haha… But will auto-surface. When I surfaced, I was spluttering out all the water and the life guard came over and asked “are u ok?”

I kicked a few times and realised I can stay afloat so I gave him the ok sign and just swam to the ladder. Ladder is quite near as I just kicked like 3-4 times and I reached le.


When I reached the ladder, I saw bloodstains there -.-|| not very reassuring. Heng I finished my jump le Wheee~

Then follow by walking up this staircase. Somehow this girl walk in a very nice manner after the jump. She just jumped from 15m. I jumped frm 5m then i have to hobble my way up le.


All of us did it! (Wet hair as evidence?)


After all of us attempted the 5m wan, these 2 garang girls actually wanna try the 10m and cuz…. scared… so they scissors paper stone. haha Can you tell who go first from this pic? lol


At this Ariel’s Point, drinks also free flow! Haha See the booth behind the 2 girls. Thats where our happy hour is. haha They have vodka, rum and beer. Mayb got others but we only ordered a permutation of these :p haha Their rum n coke is quite nice Open-mouthed smile

Jump jump then it’s lunch time le. haha… Somehow…. I got no pics of lunch haha… too much excitement abt the jump. But there was meat, tuna, some vege, rice etc. Quite a decent lunch but i dun dare eat too much cuz I wanted to go snorkel hehe… After lunch, they also provided some desserts thats tapioca which is also yummy.

After lunch, QL fell asleep cuz she is such a 酒鬼! Drank too much then she needed to sleep off e alcohol :p

RY and I then grabbed snorkelling masks and proceeded down to where we alighted e boat.


But sadly not much fishes to see lei so in e end we just swim ard to enjoy e cool and clear waters!

Then RY needed to pee (somehow this trip keep having instances of needing to pee while we in e seas lol). So we swam back to e dock. Wah climbing up e dock is not easy haha… I slipped during first attempt and knocked into e dock. Was still thinking whether to go down swim after RY pee but I think … 算了

Besides snorkelling, you can kayak too! But I like being n the water too much Open-mouthed smile


When we go back up, QL is awake le! Haha and it’s like 3pm le. During snorkelling, I was asking 1 of e staff what time we r leaving then he told me 4pm so it’s like …. 1 last jump le!

I go first! (But I still jump frm 5m only la) it’s …. Still as scary as first time! So I requested RY to b nxt to me when walking out to plank. Legs still tremble when walking out to e plank. E only difference is … E tot of “why m I not in water” only flashed thru my mind 2-3 times then I in water le hahaha

Do I look less scared this time?

Heh… then RY went next (her 3rd time le! cuz she very buay gam wan that she always “sit” into e water so it’s f**king painful. Most ppl hav their legs touch water first so impact less but hers is butt touch water first ). For her last jump, she …. Still sits into e water.


This time she too painful to shout liao. When she swam up, we saw her whole back thigh is very very red. Almost like bleeding. And e bruise that grew over e days is … Scary!

After our last jumps, I hang ard to take pics. Quite interesting to ppl watch.

The Korean who totally cant swim actually went to jump 15m. His cant swim is really quite serious. The lifeguard came over with a buoy and he was struggling to hold on to the buoy. Then when he got hold of the buoy, he didnt kick or what; just let the lifeguard to him over to the ladder.


Fellow Singaporean who jumped for the first time during e last few minutes but still look so Zen. She looks like she is contemplating about life.


Confirm strong swimmer since she dare to jump wth all the clothes. I regret that… I didnt ask her does it hurt. haha Mayb it hurts so much for us cuz we wore bikini?


1 of e rare few head in


Oh oh cuz the waters are so clear, there is a qn as to if the girls’ tubes were to run up, will the audience see anything? According to YW, cant see cuz when we jump the water bubbles are alot so will cover. We think…. he has been trying to see hahah

Very soon there is a bell to summon us back to boat le. Sad smile

Such a nice chillax place haha… U wanna do what then do what lo. Got a few ppl who didnt jump but still go there to enjoy the sun, food and free booze.

Haha… Our ride back wasnt as…. quiet as our ride there. hahah We sat with this group of ang mohs who were like pretty high from all the booze. They were singing throughout the whole journey. The songs ranged from some 80s party song to Hotel California to Genie in a Bottle to Baby One More Time to …. Gangnam Style 😐 Think only Gangnam style is new song so I think…. can tell they are of certain age. :p

Oh got 2 Koreans in this cabin with us too and they were like singing and playing along. 1 of the 2 Koreans were like unstable on his feet and tried to go to the deck to puke hahah the staff tell him to puke into the walkway. Heng he didnt!

On the journey back, there were also…. free flow of drinks provided! tadah!


so it just add on to the high-ness of the party haha… I m very impressed by this table haha cuz it got many holes so u can put bottles or water inside and they wun fall over. Ok… unless u drunk and miss the hole haha

The staff onboard the boat was…. ever-ready to give you your drinks. haha I thought with the crowd getting out of control, they will slow down the pouring of alcohol. They didnt! Quite the opposite, they actually made sure the cups r nvr empty. lol…. and the alcohol contents actually gt higher. The ang moh lady in the pic actually ask for less alcohol in her drink and they asked her to just drink haha… They also didnt forget the quiet injured ones (ie us); they did come over and as if we need any drinks. But we just said no. Tho somehow, we ended up with 2 rum and coke still (courtesy of e ang mohs) haha… but shared among 4 of us so still ok.

When we reached the shore, our hotel sent someone to pick us up and he helped us carry some stuff. Took a ride back to hotel where we bathed and go out for dinner!

Dinner at this small cosy place called Smoke.


I think  the dish i liked most … is the garlic rice hahah it really very tasty


The minced meat is not bad too. but sadly lechon kawali too hard also. Think first night’s wan nicest liao.

Think i dun really like e stir fried veggies there. Think… too oily or wat. dun hav e crispness of veggie



Heh tiring day so we eat liao walk ard abit then go back le. On e way back, we saw tis yummy-looking mango dessert so thot order and try haha but…. its only yummy-looking hahaha :p


Actually when we reached our room…. we still play…. Gloom! haha


Saturday 8 Mar 2014

After all the action-packed days, we finally woke up to a nua-ing day! And the weather is fantastic! this is from our villa’s balcony


Today’s nuaing plan is to go to our resort’s private beach. Somehow I imagined a private beach just having sand, coconut trees and of course the waters and mayb some beach chairs. So I was pretty worried what if….. there’s no lunch places there? 😮

Hahaha but ok la there got lunch places. Its actually just another place like White Beach with 1 row of shops and all. But overall less crowd than White Beach. We came to this shop named Sundown Resort and we can make full use of the beach chairs there. Got a Monaco staff w us all the time we are there. So he helped us arranged the beach chairs and umbrella.


Haha… Reach there of course must… take pic. This is the pic taken by the Monaco staff hahh cuz he sees us selfie-ing away. hehe very frenly hor


Then see water liao so … of course must jump in! hahah But its really very cold hahah poor QL…. we threatened to pull her into the cold cold water.


I think it is at this beach that we see YW swims the most liao. I think …. he feels more relaxed here cuz no nd to watch after belongings haha….

Somehow soak in water, then tan, then soak in water again, time pass very fast de. Very soon its lunchtime! This time we all nvr take much pics of the food only this dish of fish which is very nice!  It would have been nicer without the sweet chili sauce tho cuz the fish very fresh.


Throughout this trip, we seem to hav problem hearing each other’s words. I think …. today shld be e ultimate. QL asked the waitress abt WIFI password then the waitress said something abt 1,2,3,4,5.  Then I heard as she asking abt rice and that they will provide 5 bowls of rice!

YW keep laughing at us. Say we old liao. Grrrr no hor! We r jz not in sync. Booooo

After lunch, we went….. Back to nua! This time w ice cream! Hahah got those peddlers ard so we just buy frm them. Open-mouthed smile


Got this other Ang moh couple came w a kid too. Haha they r very cool parents. They can jz let e kid free play a while kind. Haha and e water so cold! And they still dunk e kid in haha…

Got 1 pt I see e mother taking pic of e father n son so I offered to help them take. But she looked abit reluctant. Now on looking back, maybe they were scared of me running away w their camera? Smile with tongue out

Ard 3+pm, we decided to go back lo and e family also went back w us. Heh…

This pic is taken on e way back and all of us in random positions lol…


QL emulating e poster girl hahah she gt ambition to be poster girl? Open-mouthed smile


The minibus frm resort took some time to come. Haha during this time, we keep seeing rooster crossing e road hahha “Why did e chicken cross e road?”

Back at e resort, we went to the pool to cont nuaing, tanning, swimming n …. slping. I actually fell asleep at 1 of e beach chair using e beach towel as blanket. Haha quite comfy 🙂

Our pool is in e shape of a dolphin. Cute hor?


After pool then go out for dinner lo! (I really can live like this. Wake up, eat, go beach, come back eat)

We all were left w like 4000 pesos or mayb more and it’s our last night. So we decided to find an atas looking beach fronting seafood restaurant hehe and we came to…. Red Coconut Beach Restaurant!

Our seats r really on e fine fine sand and we r like first row frm their “performance” area haha they had dancers and jumping ard bamboo poles. The jumping ard bamboo poles is scary. Keep wondering if their legs will get kiap anot.

Food wise, we just ordered their set menu which have like everything la haha

First they served the soup n bread. I must b feeling very hungry cuz I actually think e bread is very nice hahah cuz it was soft n warm ahhhhhh


Next up is…. Everything! Hahaha there r like so many meats on e plate and they r quite nice! But I think we abit overdose on meats for this trip so we didn’t finish them le


After dinner, we strolled along White Beach in an attempt to let RY spent her pesos. We failed in this attempt (which is a rarity) but we discover a nice show at White Beach!

Introducing the dancing chef! Hehe….

Actually majority of e songs they danced to are in English. Only this segment in Korean. But to hav a segment on Korean already show e amt of Korean tourists there.

Watching the chefs dance is a joy cuz they look like they r enjoying themselves! Haha got a guy standing at e corner of e video, he is like a monkey like that. Sometimes he dance until tired le, he will just fool ard n kajiao e rest. Got a certain pt, got ppl order steak so he was like grilling e steak n dancing too! I wonder if this way of cooking will b better; dance 8 counts => flip e steak, dance 8 counts => serve e steak! Lol…

Their stamina (and memory) is quite gd sia. Cuz they stood there dance for like erm…. 30 min or so sia. Shagged~~

After e dance end, we hang ard to take pics of them and they invited us to go take pic w them! Awwwwww~


Oh oh ya the dancing chefs are from…: *drumroll* Seabreeze Cafe! Next time we shall go there eat! To see if they cook as well as they dance Smile with tongue out


We continued walking along White Beach and chanced upon quite a few fire-throwers haha this one is like going very close to e guest and she was like totally cool abt it. Haha I can feel e heat just walking pass them lo.


Somehow restaurants/pubs along White Beach seems to close pretty early. By 10.30pm, quite a few of e restaurants r closed le and it’s Saturday night! Sad 😦

We took e 11.15pm bus back to Monaco. Haha and no games tonight cuz nd to pack 😦

Sunday 9 Mar 2014

Its our last day le!!! And we decided not to risk having a lousy breakies so we took e 8.15pm shuttle to go D’Mall and eat at Lemoni Cafe! Quite high ratings on tripadvisor.


Their deco is nice and … Very clean lines hehe

food is quite gd! I had some mango toast cuz I can’t really think abt eating meats by then lol….


Each of us order a breakies and a drink each. Total bill came up to 1603 PHP.

Breakfast finish and we go collect t-shirts that YW and QL custom made e night before. These are handpainted!

Heheh mad cool right? So bright n cheery, just like them! Made me regret not doing hahah


We *must* visit the beach one last time and say bye to it hahah….


I even tried to take pics of e fishes at e beach but I think frm e pics can’t tell they r fishes hahah what u think?


hehe then we all realize that RY’s sunglasses reflect e beach nicely! So we all crowd ard her and take pic of her…. Sunglass! 😀


My first time using my cap is e last day at e beach hahha oops… Lol …. I think I look totally at home at e beach. I shldnt go home!


Hehe… On our way to taking e bus, YW decided to throw some hoops!


His score! Not bad for a 60sec throw. Hahah (I shall be nice and not post his first score)


Ahhh somehow I totally forgot to intro this mart where we get our water and necessities. Hahh I think this shld b e only supermart in White Beach ba. Hahah….


Ya… We dun wanna go home 😥 Our journey back is also via MBG but luckily this time no car sickness.

Our flight back is the first day Tiger Airway Spore take over frm Tiger Airway Philippines, according to 1 staff there. It was madness; they were using laptop w 3G dongle and network there was bad. In e end, RY and my boarding pass is handwritten wan -.-” Forgot to take pic of it.


Yeap, we r pretty pissed. But also going-home blues la Sad smile

After the bad experience during check in, I dun dare to leave e airport so we ate in. And I had…. korean instant noodles!


Kept seeing at Budget Mart thruout e whole trip; made me gian Smile with tongue out

Bye Boracay! We will b back! (After we go Cebu and Palawan etc etc)


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