
Last Mon, got a VIP wanna go visit my project on site. So from office to site, we need to draw office vehicle to drive over.

Since got VIP visit, my colleague (J) and I took e office vehicle and went into site to prepare first.

When time comes, J said he will go out pick them up. Then I said, “nah it’s ok u stay here and look after things. ” J is able to control things on e grd better so he let me drove out.

SO when I reached e office foyer to pick them up, my mgr actually opened his eyes big big as I drove in hahha

My HOD (more senior than mgr) said “YL, u have e lives of 4 men in ur hand. Pls drive carefully!”

Then another Mgr frm Ops board e car last and he asked, “Do you want me to drive?” I looked at him, ” No, why?” I have NVR seen him drive ard on site lo. He always have someone fetching him ard. Trust him to drive? Nahhhhh and my driving is gd k! *sniggers*

Here is e ultimate part. Throughout e whole drive, the VIP was quiet! Hahaha… He normally talks a lot but he was quiet throughout. I can’t figure is his dislike of me so intense or he was too worried. ROFL. After e visit, my mgr told me when I drove, e spd limit check in e car keep sounding. Spd limit for driving on site is 40 km/h. Haha but but my defense is… E car spd limit check sound at 38 or something le… Not my fault :p

Hehe… I was recounting e incident to some frenz later on and 1 of them commented, ” 4 guys in e car and a girl is driving. Their ego must b pretty dented”


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