Langkawi + Ko Lipe 201504

Exchange rate was S$1 to 23 baht
Exchange rate was S$1 to 2.67 ringgit

Saturday 25 April 2015 Langkawi
The flight to Langkawi was very fast! It was like 3 rounds of my candy crush lives? Haha Upon touch down, there is a taxi service counter right at the entrance. Cab fare to Malibest cost 20 ringgit and it was like a 15-20 min ride.
At Malibest, our room is rdy! Yippee but e recept told us to wait a while as she attend to other guests checking in. But the guests got more n more! After sitting there for 20min, we decided to just ask for directions to our room n make our own way there.
Tadah! Our room!
Room is very big!! But it’s abit like our east coast chalet so not very clean. See e bed stains

The towels hav stains too! And e sink clogs~ when we sleep at night, it’s really noisy outside. Oh oh n e air con fluctuates in temperature. Sometimes v cold, sometimes v hot. In summary? I wun be staying there again hahah…

But the location and price is good la. It’s just like SGD60 per room per night and its in e middle of the happening stretch. Hmmm but can’t sleep also no pt I guess.
So anyways, after we settled in, out we go in search of food! But lunch time there is really sleepy lei. Like not a lot of choices so we ended up at the Indian restaurant at our hotel haha
The order took sooooo lonnngggg. I kept looking over at e kitchen till 1 of the waiters came over n said the food is on e way.
Ordered a mutton, chicken n prawn!


They actually taste quite good! 慢工出细货. The prawn dun look very nice but actually taste quite flavourful. Its black pepper and i dun usually eat black pepper. Whole meal came up to 118 ringgit.

Took a look at e Langkawi beach and it remind me of ECP haha but ok la at least quite clean. N Lotsa activities; banana boat, parasailing, jet ski. Wun bored.


Me and NMS selfie at Langkawi beach.

We then got a cab to take us to cable car which is 30 min or so away. 30 ringgit 1 way and when we reached, e cab driver said he will wait for us And charge us 60 ringgit 2 way ! Yeahhh no nd scared too ulu can’t go back.
It’s a tourist village of some sort so there r a few activities ard. Like being a hamster anyone?
We head straight to ticketing only to realize …

P1180329Who does maintenance on a Saturday?!? :@
Hai since we there le… We just…. Go to e 3D museum lo. I always wanted to go to the one in SG anyway hehe….

Wah but go 3D museum is tiring wan k. Need to climb, squat, kneel etc
N dun wear dress go! See this hippo pic!


My dress (and hair) droops e wrong way 😦 NMS did it better

NMS did all the fun shots so much better



While i can only do the normal kind of shots Sad smile




没有天份 for fun shots Sad smile

NMS consoled me that she does the silly poses better while i do the pretty poses better. OK that sounds better Open-mouthed smile hahah

Following are the last 2 of the 3D exhibition. When NMS saw this shopping pic, she insisted that I take it.


And this is her outcome for documenting my …. shopping Smile with tongue out


This 3D museum kept us entertained for more than an hr. So we went back looking for the cab driver who requested 10 ringgit more from us cuz we overstayed 1 hour. Both of us just…. paid up hahaha we feel like carrots Smile with tongue out

Took a short walk along the beach hoping to see sunset and we saw this group of ppl filming MTV!


The girl in white had a solo portion where she did flipping of hair and there was this ang moh nearby who imitated her. Quite funny!

I attempted to shoot a…. mineral water advert? Smile with tongue out


Was hoping to see sunset but like too cloudy


So we gave up and go back hotel rest abit till 7+pm and we saw this when we left the hotel!


And here i was tinking that with such cloudy skies, there wun be a nice 晚霞! Hehe… Time to start our food trail!

Roadside stall of satay and grilled drumstick and coconut milkshake which I didnt take pic of.

Chicken satay is nice tho not extraordinary. Mutton satay is too sao for me. The drumstick just taste normal. haha

Oh ya coconut milkshake is…. rather interesting. Our nxt food stop is ……

Can u imagine duty free beer in the restaurants?!!? Thats Langkawi for u! Duty free beer!


This part was quite funny. I heard the guy said 500grams is around 2 prawns then i was like oh ok lets have 4 prawns then. The guy stared at me and said the prawns r quite big. Oops ok. 2 then.


I know this plate of fries is random but we saw this kid eating the fries next table and we were like… “wah the fries look very nice hor?”


I think the whole meal came up to S$20+ per pax. After dinner we very tired liao then we just go back sleep and hope for nxt day hurry come!

Sunday 26 April 2015 Ko Lipe
Rise and shine to Ko Lipe!! hahah so excited!

First meal of the day is always impt! As Malibest does not serve breakfast (paid or otherwise), so we crossed the road to look for breakies. Ironically a place named Breakfast Bar is not open but a local Malay stall next to it is! heheh we had this Roti Canai or something like that. Its like prata.


We asked Malibest to help us arrange transport to Telaga Harbor . Cost us 30 ringgit and we got a shock at the size of the cab for just 2 of us hehe


We are taking the 0930hr ferry and the instructions are to check in 2.5 hr ahead of departure time Confused smile We just reached around 0830hr and still in time for everything and around 20min to spare. Partly also because its lull so there is no queue at immigration.

The atas looking ferry terminal…. reminds me of Keppel bay.P1180434.jpg

This is the ferry that is going to bring us to Ko Lipe! It looks cleaner n newer than it really is. Hahah The seats inside are not very clean and abit sandy. The windows are like yellow and abit covered w grime.


But ok la its just a 1+hr ride and i slept thru most of it so its ok.

Here is very interesting arrangement. After we check in, we have to walk to Malaysia immigration to chope our passport. This is the immigration building.


After we chope our passport, we walked back to the ferry and handed over our passports to the vessel master. This portion is abit …. insecure feeling hahah… Board the ferry… fell asleep and when I woke up… its time to transfer to a longtail boat!


This pic is exactly how we board the longtail boat. Abit scary cuz the boat is like bobbing along with e waves while we try to board with our barang. There was this girl who didnt sit down when she board so when the boat shake abit, she fell and sat down and some part of her barang hit the water. The boatman asked if she wants to swim back to Langkawi. Smile with tongue out

And we reached Ko Lipe! Safe and dry!


This is the Thailand immigration. So the passport collected by the vessel master will be released here. They will shout out our name to return our passports.


Over here there was this guy who came to jio business for daytour. He said if we book too late, we may not get to go cuz limited boats there. He asked me to check w the Singaporeans waiting at the beach. Haha I tink I still groggy so we just agreed and paid him 1000baht deposit. It cost 650 baht per pax and inclusive of lunch.

As the island is small, we decided to walk to our resort. First we pass by the walking street….


We walked right through walking street and reach the Sunrise Beach. Wah walk through the walking street with my bag and under the hot sun, I already find it tiring le. When we reach the beach, it got worse cuz the beach sand is not packed. So as u walk, ur foot will sink in. I will recommend….. taking the motor car for those who is staying at the far end of Sunrise Beach. haha lugging bags and walking thru e sand in the middle of e day is no joke.

When we reached Ten Moons Lipe Resort, the rooms are not ready as it was only like 11am. So they offered us a welcome drink of apple juice. I tell u… apple juice nvr taste so shiok! hahah We rested a while from the walk then we go explore the private beach of Ten Moons.

1 side of the beach is all rocks


This is the other side. As u can tell, NMS is ecstatic.


And NMS very bad lo. Hog the swing by the beach Sad smile


As the sun is rather scorching, we went back to the reception to find our room ready!

Our room number is 11 and this is our key!


Our resort is on a slope and we requested for Seaview room so…. we gotta climb stairs! This is the bottom half of e stairs.IMG_9579.jpg

(this pic was taken for me to check if i look weird w my wrap and bag sling across haha but i tink it showcases e stairs better)

This is the top half of the stairs.


We climb until so 喘 lo. Feel so unhealthy. Smile with tongue out The pathway leading to our roomP1180460.jpg

And tadah this is our room!


The side sofa which we termed as JJ’s bed cuz JJ is a fren who might have joined us for the trip heheh…


View from the room. Not exactly the seaview I have in mind with all the trees blocking. But ok la still quite nice.


This room cost us S$200+ per room per night. I thought its abit exp cuz 1) the room abit lok so dun give me e resort feel 2) there are quite a bit of creepy crawlies (beetles, mosquitoes, moths) at night 3) majority of the staff are blank faced; they dun exactly make me feel welcome. Very un-thai-like. and 4) the beach leading to e resort is really hard to navigate due to the loose sand so it made e resort seem far away frm the restaurants and all.

Good thing abt this resort is the breakfast is quite decent; view is quite nice and the private beach hehe… Oh and they provide water for us to wash off sand frm our legs at the entrance.


After check in (ok even before check in), I m feeling a lil hungry liao. So off we go hunting for food! NMS read that this Sunrise Beach Restaurant has very good reviews. P1180472.jpg

When we reached at 12+pm, there is NO ONE inside. But we very persistent. We walked in and asked if they are open. And they said yes and we sat down liao.

First is Tom Yum soup which is da bomb. U can still taste the various spices used in the soup without the spiciness very overpowering. The staff did ask us whether we want 1,2 or 3 chilli. I cant take overspicy so we chose 1 chili hehe…. The sourness is just nice too. The fish slices in this tom yum is very thick and fresh kind. They used very fresh ingredients (and alot) in this soup.


NMS’s pad thai came next. I told NMS to eat first and i will kop a lil later. She ate 1 bite and said…. “i dun tink u will just kop abit” hahaha


Finally my pineapple rice came. the pineapple garnish at the side is very sweet. The pineapple rice is very fragrant and cuz its a big plate, i keep saying i dun wanna finish. We going kayak later n i dun want to be too full. But somehow….. the plate ended up very cleanOpen-mouthed smile


After lunch, we nua abit and more n more ppl start streaming into the restaurant. This is the view frm the restaurant.


Heh yeap we can feel the sand inbetween our toes as we eat Smile with tongue out

We decide to stroll along the Sunrise beach and wait for our food to digest abit before commencing our kayak. Sun very hot that day. Waters look exceptionally green and clear.


Tho waters are clean and clear…. the beach is not so. There are glass bottle bits around and empty bottles around too. See liao feel abit sad that ppl litter on the beach. See this bottle even have something growing on it liao.


More litter oops hahah


Even though the beach is not that clean, there are still hermit crabs crawling around.


There was 1 night we walked backed frm Walking Street to our resort and we on our torchlight and we saw….. alot of hermit crabs crawling ard e beach. Imagine if we didnt on the torchlight, we would have killed alot of hermit crab le.

As it was really a very hot day, we decide to dip into the water to cool down before going to rent a kayak hahah. Water is not very cold but ok la still serve the purpose.

We went to like 3 shops before managing to rent a kayak. haha I dunno is it cuz most ppl rent the kayak for full day. Anyway the rental is very cheap la. 100 baht for 1 hr and include life jackets as well.

OK… its no joke kayaking in the seas sia. The waves are so strong. And i dunno is my posture wrong or wat. My thighs n back ache alot as I kayak. I dun recall these aches when we were kayaking in Hokkaido lei. Behind me, NMS is freaking out cuz the kayak keep having water coming in and her bag is floating away. hahah… Heng ah, our target “island” is not far and very soon we reached before our kayak sink under the water. Smile with tongue out

TADAH! Sense of achievement!


NMS tried to scoop the water out but in e end we just turn the kayak upside down.


The beach far away is the Sunrise beach where we start our kayak. Looks far from here hor? Sense of achievement hehe


There was another group of tourists there when we reached. They came w a guide i tink. Shortly after, they left. Think they have a boat waiting for them on the side of the island which is mayb a 5 min walk away? heheh its really a small place.

Waters r clear here but we didnt see many fishes here. NMS was abit stunned to find this in her iPhone 5 camera cuz she didnt see me taking this at all. hahah #selfieQueenIMG_9997

We nua here a while then we kayak back.

This time i sat behind and i really saw the bag floating! E waters r really coming into the kayak very fast. haha abit scary. Heng we still reached the shore safely though not accurately hahah. we landed slightly further away frm rental place. 1 of the guys hav to come out and drag the kayak back cuz both of us just too tired le haha….

We then ordered these drinks at 70baht each to cool down haha….


After resting, we walked down to Walking Street for pancakes!P1180494

This pancake is from a stall named Madam YooHoo. The old lady of e stall is really very cute; she keep yoohoo-ing to passerbys haha


We then go Pattaya Beach to swim there too. Pattay beach seems cleaner but there are many longtail boats there so the smell of petrol stronger. Sand is more fine so not as rough as some parts of Sunrise beach.

Here i did something very silly. hahaha i decided to imitate the MTV gang we saw yday haha

NMS keep saying want to blackmail me with this video Sad smile hahaha ok la… for fun ma. From Pattaya beach, we went back to Sunrise beach, swim abit more then go back room wash up and its time for … Dinner!

Dinner was at Zanom Sunrish Beach Resort restaurant because the reviews for green curry is very good.


We took the 2nd level seats and NMS hav to climb back down to lvl 1 to order the BBQ food hahah oops.

Such a hot day so naturally we (ok… I) need … beer


The morning glory is very juicy and crisp. We both love it alot.P1180499

I find the green curry soso as it was too spicy so u cant really taste the flavours. NMS finds it nice.


Fish in Ko Lipe is very fresh so cfm must order. This fish didnt disappoint Smile with tongue out


There is this roasted pork with salt dish that I just had to order hahah Those parts with fatty meat wan very nice but those that r lean meat wan abit too dry. haha Good dish to go w e beer tho Smile with tongue out


We ordered only 1 prawn cuz….


Its huge la! The prawn is succulent and very fresh too.


Whole meal came up to around 1100 baht which I tink is pretty ok.

The music playing here is abit loud heng we sit lvl 2 so not so loud. As we saw lightning flashing in the far, we left once we finish our dinner. hehe and made it back to our resort before rain comes down! Smile

As it was a tiring day and under the hot sun, I fell aslp rather quickly while NMS has another adventure. After I fell asleep, a beetle flew to the bed and she tried to catch it. Throughout the whole saga, I cont sleeping and she bao tou me to my frenz! Say i sleep like a dead log and totally no hear the commotion Sad smile

Monday 27 April 2015 Ko Lipe
I woke up to pee ard sunrise timing, 5+am. So I went to our resort balcony to see if sunrise can be seen. Cannot then I walked out to the stairway there also cannot. Since already out of bed, so… we went down to the beach haha…


Arrghhh~~ Blocked by the tiny hill. Sad. But a fren told me that if I walk further down the Sunrise beach, I will be able to see the egg yolk.

After snapping 2 pics, we climbed back to room and…. I fell back asleep. Open-mouthed smile Woke up for breakies ard 7+ am

Breakfast is ala carte but u can order as many as u want. Both of us order 1 plate of the following each.


Then we ordered French toast to share along w a platter of fruits. The French toast is really yummy!


We had our breakies at an indoor area. Ten Moons actually have an outdoor nuaing area to eat breakies too. See how idyllic this scene is.


Anyway, today is our Snorkeling trip day! We are doing Program B! Almost every tour agent we came across on the island has the same 2 programs haha


The boatman is supposed to pick us up at 9am. By 9.10am, he’s not here n the hp was switched off. We were thinking if we gt conned liao anot. Then we were tinking whether we shld go look for some other tour agent to take us. So we set to wait till 9.30am.

Heng ah … someone came by 9.20am with the Castaway t-shirt! And we r on our way!

We are not the only 2. There are another 4 Singaporeans from Idyllic Concept Resort. Hahah i tink its a trait of Singaporean to be impatient. Cuz these 4 already started making alternative plans le! Hehe

These 4 quite interesting. They brought along a dozen cans of beers onboard. They were told that there is icebox onboard. Ok… there is…. but its filled to the brim and e drinks not for us! Angry smile

These 4 Singaporeans very frenly; they offered us their beers but I said no cuz I scared wait snorkel drowsy.

Of course every trip must start with …..


Selfie! hehehe….

Its a glorious day out! See how clear the waters are. See the waters I also happy.


Its a rather smooth ride so we just enjoyed the sun and waters. Our first stop is …..


these stones. haha our whole boat not very impressed w e stones and we are just very hot so just want to jump into water hehe….

An hr after we left Sunrise beach, we finally reached our first snorkelling site. NMS went down the waters w her fren’s GoPro Hero 4 while i went down w her iphone 5 in a waterproof casing. But this first site only Tiger fish nothing much. I think this is the best pic I took…


All the fishes crowded at the bottom of the boat hehehe….

2nd snorkel site is very shallow! But very nice Cuz can see e coral formation. Think this venue should be Jabang.


Pics courtesy of NMS and her fren’s GoPro Hero 4 hehe… Not alot of fishes here but many sea urchins.

As the waters here are very shallow, our boatmates who went down first kicked their legs against the corals and scratched their legs quite badly. Heng they warned us to flip to snorkel and not sit up. See how shallow it is.


Another pic of the shallowness and of …. me! Thanks to NMS! Good shot!GOPR0085

1 of our boatmates got sting by sea urchin cuz too shallow so she dunno that she going near them. She kenna 4 holes on her foot. When she climbed back up, she immediately took a can of beer and pour over her feet to “sanitise”. haha so funny. NMS also passed her a pack of sanitizing wet wipes.

Cuz they were injured quite badly, our 4 boatmates went back to boat quite fast. NMS and I still happily swim ard  cuz we really liked the formation tho not many fishes around.

After this is lunch! Heheh Heng we no nd to eat onboard. We brought the lunch boxes up to this island with monkeys and ate there. This island should be a common pitstop because…. there are many styrofoam boxes rubbish on the beach Sad smile

Our lunch is a box of fried rice and a sunny side up egg. It tastes quite nice but cuz later need to take boat so I didnt dare to finish it. heheh..

After lunch, NMS and I went to soak in the waters while our boatmen chit chat with his fren. haha… Then our fellow boatmates come and join us. We were marvelling at how clear the water is. Then they told us Maldives has waters like this but the fishes inside are very visible. There is this girl who is scared of snorkelling and she is the one who went Maldives before. I asked her then how she snorkel in Maldives. She said she just need to stand at e edge of boat and can see schools of fishes le….. Surprised smile

Cuz earlier on, they were discussing on Boracay; they were thinking of going in Dec. So I told them there is this cliff jumping day tour which they sure will like because…. there is free flow alcohol. Open-mouthed smile

Boatman’s fren leave so… we have to leave too liao. Sidetrack: Boatman’s fren is carrying this group of 4 girls who wore those very dressy swimsuits but once they board boats, they will put on lifejackets. So we concluded…. they cant swim and remove lifejackets to take pics hahaha…. #38

At 1 snorkelling venue, the boatmen signal strong waves so we change to the next site. The next site is near some beach. But hor the corals there are still quite nice.

Those small blots of colors will still hide when fishes come n want to eat the,m. First time I see this during snorkelling. It’s like I am…. at the aquarium hahahah…


There are these wavy soft corals that will sway with the currents.


Then there is this coral that i nicknamed it as danger-sign coral hehe Smile with tongue out


This snorkelling trip let me see alot of…. sea urchins! hahha I dun recall seeing so many before. NMS asked why here so many sea urchins but we dun see them being sold as sashimi on the shore. I replied her thats why still many at the seabed. Smile with tongue out


And i got scared of them after my boatmate got sting by them. See! if the person tiptoe, can really reach the sea urchin.


At our 4th snorkelling site, dark clouds start to gather liao and the waters start getting choppy. haha And I start feeling tired le. hahah Cuz every pull up to the longtail boat is very tiring.

The fishes at this last site is smaller than the previous site haha mayb keep getting caught for eating on the shore? Smile with tongue out

This last site gave me a scare cuz as I was reaching the ladder of the longtail boat, i was swept by the waves to almost under the boat. haha then almost sweep further out towards the open sea away frm the boat. Heng the boat comes w a tassle and i just grabbed hold of it and gather strength to swim towards the ladder again. Haha NMS went onboard first and she got a scare when our boatmates told her “ur fren got swept under the boat” hahah.. oops…

Video of the fishes during our snorkelling trip. Ok the pics and video dun seem like alot of fishes but i tot quite ok la. I find this 1 of the better snorkelling trips to date cuz I nvr just see Tiger fish only hahah…  And I see the fishes dart in and out of corals very happy. haha NMS said Tioman have more fishes.

When we board the boat, the seas start to get very choppy and rough liao. Here I was thinking that longtail boat more stable than speedboat. Confused smile so its just cuz morning seas were very calm.

Cuz i very scared I seasick, I just closed my eyes and try to sleep. My boatmates very caring; still ask NMS is i m ok. NMS woke me up and asked if i m ok. I groggily replied ok then went back to closing my eyes.

After a very bumpy ride, I tot reach back Sunrise Beach le. But then its not! Its this beach full of slippery stones!


Wah the getting onto beach is very scary cuz the stones r wet and slippery. I had to get down on my fours to climb onto the beach and I just woke up! Ultimate grouchy!

There is this noticeboard that says anyone who takes stone from this beach will be cursed. Good one there haha

But apparently, it is good luck to stack stones. Yang Meh Meh will hav good luck!


After this black stone beach, then its really back to Sunrise Beach le. Waters less choppy liao and i dun feel so seasick le haha

When we reached Sunrise beach, we were just too tired to climb up to resort so… we nua at the private beach first. Hehe there are quite a few ppl there at this time. We soaked in water then lay down on the beach for a while hahah

Back to room to wash off the salt and sand hahah nua abit then its time for dinner at Walking Street!

Walked past this restaurant, Raklay Thaifood & Seafood, twice over the past 2 days and everytime the bbq smell is so luring!



This restaurant is like so packed at 6.30pm! The staff told us to come back at 7pm. Heng I saw this seat that was recently emptied so I just sat down liao haha…

Placed our orders for the zhi char dishes then I went to the BBQ area to pick our food.


Ordered a small squid (150 baht) and 2 medium sized prawns (120 baht). Prawn is good but squid so-so only.


The tom yum soup is abit too spicy so cant really taste the 味道. Sunrise Beach Restaurant wan nicer.


This fish is fried with garlic and tastes really awesome. What’s not awesome is…. we waited 40 min for this fish. Not cool eh~ I have to go pay the bill before they said the fish is ready. Not cool~ Because of this, I will not recommend ppl to go during peak hour. Think the restaurant is quite empty at 5+pm.


Meal came up to ~ 1100baht too. Think this is going to be like our std meal price here liao.

We went 7-11 to get a drink cuz…. it just takes too long to catch the attention of staff at Raklay and then still hav to wait for the order to come Confused smile

Anyway at 7-11, we saw… LINE characters!


Thailand is rather into LINE too. hehe… We walked the whole of Walking Street again cuz its our first time walking it at night. Its really quite lively at night. hehe but really nothing much to buy there. We went to eat pancakes at Madame Yoohoo for the last time liao hahah….

Then back to hotel! Tonight NMS slept earlier and…. a beetle really came into our room again just as I was chatting w my frenz abt the beetle. And… I dun dare to catch the beetle but it landed on my pillow so…..


(Pic taken in the morn w NMS LOL at me) Heng the resort prepared 2 pillows each for us. So… I just need to fold my remaining pillow into half to achieve the height Smile with tongue out

Tuesday 28 April 2015 Ko Lipe –> Langkawi 

I still managed to wake up to pee and 顺便 see sunrise!


OK… still blocked… but i was wondering if the sun rise high enuff, can i still see… But this pic… shows me by the time the sun rise high enuff, it will be too bright le Sad smile


Ok la.. all is not lost…. We literally hang ard in the hammocks heheh.. Last day liao…


This time go back room nvr sleep liao. Just nua ard till breakies. NMS got her breakies first! booo~~


I think their scrambled egg tastes nicer than omelette haha… Ok after breakies we went room n continue lazing ard cuz Ten Moons is going to send us to take ferry using their longtail boat at 9am to 9.15am like that.

But at 8.30am, the frenly recept auntie came up to our room to tell us the longtail boat was leaving so we mad rush down…. only to find the longtail boat has left. Angry smile  Then the auntie told us oh the longtail boat will come back then pick us cuz there are passengers rushing off. Piangz! Can u-turn then why u rush us?!

Ok la… we make lemonade out of lemons lo. I get to nua at the outdoor part of e restaurant and watch the seas….


Its a glorious day for our departure day…. Makes me feel like jumping into waters again… O wells~ Our longtail boat…. Ok all longtail boat look more or less e same.


Come 1 selfie… go home also 1 selfie


Our boatman seems to be in a pensive mood…. is he … missing home?


Urgh… its really a wonderful day to b out on the beach instead of taking a ferry home.


I see e horizon with no ships and i was tinking “Everything comes w a price”. SG chose to develop its port for financial benefits at the expense of green and clear waters. Ko Lipe retained its green and clear waters at the expense of big ferries berthing here n bringing more crowds.

Anyway back to the trip, a short 10min ride or so, we r at Pattaya beach lo! Went to the same immigration hut as the first day to chope our passport and hand over our passports to the ship operator. Not very comfortable to part w my passport but guess…. bo bian….

While waiting for the boat, I went to the beach to take some last min pics Smile


Trying to show how clear the water is but the fine sand keep kicking up. Pattaya beach really got finer sand.


1 last selfie w the fantasic beach and weather


Think ard 9.40am or so the longtail boat came. This time is slightly different. We didnt transfer to the ferry direct. We transfer to a floating platform first. And got ppl help us move the bag frm boat to platform.


I saw the boatman carry luggage, babies and….


flowers. Ya a BIG bouquet of flowers. I wonder where the bouquet come from. I didnt see any florist on the island. And shld be an impt occasion for the girl to insist on carrying the flowers since the flowers abit wilting le.

This is the floating platform


The passenger ticket.


NMS was worried that we may board the wrong ferry and end up being far away frm our passports. I was worried abt… being the last to board and hav to sit outdoor. hahah Dun tink my burnt skin can take any more sun.

The ferry men told us to put our bags near to the door and they will help us load. We can only board the ferry later in case the ferry lopsided. haha…

Anyway… we managed to be the earlier ones to board the ferry! Yippee~~ Chose a comfy seat and… go to sleep…. Zzzzz

When we reached Langkawi, we were ushered to the Immigration hall where someone will read out our name and hand over our passport. See the crowd…. And the thot that is running thru my mind “My dad will sure say we eat full nothing to do to put our passports at risk” Smile with tongue out


We met 2 of our boatmates and they taking the same flight as us! They jio us cab together! Nice right? hehe and they know Malay so they talked to the cabbie in Malay. But here hor… really is tok tourists wan…. When we took cab to the ferry terminal, the cab fare is 30 ringgit per cab. Now we taking cab from ferry terminal, it become 10 ringgit per pax and there are 4 of us! And the cabbie still say want to bring us “shopping” Heng our boatmate very insistent on not going. #leech Then the cabbie tried to jio more ppl take the cab >.<

Reached airport and saw long q at Tiger Airway counter so we checked in first then go lunch at…. MARY BROWN!

My first Mary Brown meal! hehe… Quite nice! Shiok~


On the flight back, I sat at the window seat so managed to capture some pics Smile



Heheh doing the bills for the trip so got the breakdown cost per pax

Air tix – S$110
Ferry – S$90
Langkawi hotel – S$35
Ko Lipe resort – S$210
Expenditure @ Langkawi – S$100
Expenditure @ Ko Lipe – S$100

I think from the abv we can conclude that… Langkawi food more expensive than Ko Lipe’s ah cuz we only stayed in Langkawi for 1 night whereas we stayed at Ko Lipe for 2 nights.

Ko Lipe resort exp cuz we booked like 1 month before the trip so alot of the cheaper resorts fully booked le. Oh wells~

To the next beach getaway! Open-mouthed smile

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