Nakasendo Trail 201703 – Day 4

Exchange rate: 1000 yen to S$12.50

30 March 2017 Thursday

Today is our last day of the Nakasendo trail lo. Our route today will lead us back to Tokyo.

Breakfast is at 0730hr… hahah I feel super healthy here. Sleep early; wake up early.

As I was nua-ing over my breakfast and slowly drinking my tea, I was catching e pokemons in the area. Hehe Iseya is quite a good spot for pokemons. Not the extremely rare ones but at least not rattata and pidgeys hahha … The staff/owner chatted with me. He asked me what I caught and I started to gush over the far fetch I caught last night. haha I talked for a while then I asked him if he play and start to tone down abit. hehe He continued with his serving of tea; went into kitchen and … came back to show me his hp! He’s v into Pokemon Go too! He has like 9 pokemons in gym! amazing~ He went on to tell me that gyms in Narai very hard to defend; a few hours will be kicked out. I told him in SG, a few minutes and I am out hahaha….

So happy to find a fellow pokemon khaki 😀 but sadly, i nd to go back pack up soon le.

We were very inspired by the Australians so we target to set off at 0830hr with no lingering ard. hahah


This pic was taken at the entrance of Iseya at 0827hr! We met our plan! haha

The staff/owner still gave us a postcard of Iseya. It may not be the most luxurious stay around but I will come back here to stay again! 🙂 The whole stay feels very homely.

As we walked, the whole scenery is so pretty. Even though we want to keep to schedule, I jz had to stop and take pics along e way.


After all, its not frequent we see this view. At the train station, we met the Aussies again. 1 of them is quite chatty. He told us that it’s good for us to come on such trips; to strengthen our friendships haha… He seems to be the more relaxed of the grp cuz e other 3 were busy stretching away haha…

All of us are travelling to Matsumoto Castle but diff is they still hav another day of trail to do.

When we reached Matsumoto train stations, we saw… lockers! haha so happy to get rid of our backpacks lo cuz we been walking with them for past few days and it feel so… heavy. Hahah lazy ttm.

Matsumoto is … like any castle lo haha… But I do think that it will be very nice if sakura in full bloom. haha like my constant line throughout the whole walk haha…

This is the moat ard the castle.


As usual, all front part of the castle comes in w a field, a long walk in. We saw a lady in kimono and walking with those japanese slippers along this stretch but the way she walked looks like…. ghost floating hahah…. oops


To go into the castle, need to wear their slippers as usual. And yeap, there are those steep stairs within the castle as well.

At Matsumoto, the number of ppl start to increase liao as compared to Narai. It’s almost as if warming us up to face the crowd in Tokyo haha… Back to all the hustle and bustle. This whole walking journey is really quite relaxing … on our senses haha… Will really miss the tranquility in the forest.

So fast our “walk” is over… I will miss these tickets.


This blogpost is finished 4 months after coming back hahah i tink alot of details are lost liao but oh wells… at least 2 wks before my nxt trip! woo hoo~