Beer and last night in Antwerp lo!

I think 2.50 Euro beer are generally not creamy enough haha… This Maes is slight bitter n not creamy enough

Wow I like this one! Haha creamy and smooth tho w a slight bitter after taste. Goes very well w BBQ ribs! Haha I ate 1.5 slab. Shiok ! My Antwerp colleague told me this is at least 8% haha I jz googled and it’s 9.5%! No wonder I felt abit woozy after drinking haha and ya this is 3+ euro

Yesterday got a colleague asked me whether I have tried De Koninck; he claimed it to be THE beer to try in Antwerp. Haha luckily today’s restaurant serve it n from e tap somemore! Shiok! This is creamy without any sweetness but also not bitter. Just 重口味. Oh but the aftertaste dun sit well w me so not my mug of beer. Alcohol percentage is 5%.

Since last night in Antwerp lo, I can make my decision lo! My fav beer is….
Duvel and La Chouffe beer!! Ok are … Not is but o wells it’s a tough decision. I nd a session to drink both together to judge hahha 😀

And cuz it’s last night, all my colleagues join me in drinking. Cheers to Singapore hawker food! Woo hoo~


Bruges and beer!

Sitting outside a Bar du Port behind my hotel now to write this post. IMG_4133.JPG

Thought its a pretty nice night which is not too cold so came down w my lappie #random

Beer that I ordered: Cristal! No bitterness but not as smooth as the Duvel and dwarf beers.


OK now that I got my settings out of the way; lets go into the main thing abt this post: Bruges!

We went on a Sunday and reached Bruges quite late around 1pm haha cuz sunday ma then we tu tu nua nua abit then miss the 1035 train so gotta take the 1135hr train. Ride is 1hr 15 min. Train tix is quite cheap; 15.80 Euros for 2-way. My Antwerp colleague told me tat wkend train tix are cheaper :p

Bruges is full of quaint little houses. The street from the train station leading to the Market Square or Grote Markt are of …..




I tink i just got a profile-worthy pic.


Thought the following looks like the bar house coming out of Rapunzel, the disney version where they met singing giants :p


This reminds me of…. my Penang Chulia hotel! also a walkway in!P1170535

The houses are like just 2-3 storeys high and with the brick facade, they look just like cottages. Sadly my pics dun do them justice.

Oh and some of them are residential…. cuz i smell spaghetti cooking while taking pic of this flower haha


This is the shopping street of Bruges. Although its a Sunday, there’s actually some shops opened. Mayb around 40% of the shops?


Heard this musician playing his guitar. He is no ordinary guitarist. He actually used the side of the guitar as drum like that to beat out the tempo.


I think every old European town will have 1 such central square area. In Belgium, they seem to go by the name Grote Markt.

I seen this Grote Markt on Antwerp, Brussels and Bruges map. I guess it should mean Market Square or something.

Was very happy about the great skies that as it seems to bring out the buildings more.


So normally 1-2 sides of the square will be church then the remaining sides will be these small quaint eateries.


Alot of the eateries are actually bathing in the sun and people actually sit side by side instead of facing each other to enjoy the sun.


the colleague in the centre suggested jump shot so we did but sadly…..


we look like we are levitating instead.

This Bruges actually have 2 squares. This is the 2nd square w a band playing. But band not as good as the one in Brussels.


A close up of a building at the back of this square. The wall is quite worn yet the statues gold paint still shines. Amazing that it wasn’t stolen so guess its not full gold?


A proper grp shot at some bridge~


The tourists on the boat behind us super not onz; i wave to them but they nvr wave back. 😦

When we reached Bruges train station, there is a tourist information counter and they gave us a map. On the map I saw windmills so we went in search of it. (Since i wun get to see windmills in Holland :@)

As we reaching the windmill, we came across this … guardhouse. Bruges old town is actually surrounded by a moat and this guardhouse sits on 1 of the bridges. Looks like a place out of fairy tale. Awww and the skies really so nice~P1170553

The windmill! Tho i tink the pic look nicer than actual haha


Bruges have another name: Venice of the North.




Tho i tink….. Venice has many many more canals; every street u see in Venice will chance upon a canal haha. Here is only certain sections. Tho i do

This pic taken at…. star attraction 2 haha tats how we termed it when we were there cuz this is the pic of Bruges that keep popping up on internet. haha Anyway, tis attraction name is Begijnhof (reading the map now)


Came across quite a few beer shops with the interior looking like this.


ALL are beer hahah…. I tink u can go mad abt beer here even if u r not a fan hahah

Sadly, the 2 beer I had in Bruges both not nice.

Bruge Tripel was bitter and not smooth at all. Reminds me of… Tiger beer? I tink Tiger better


DONT drink cherry beer in Belgium. They are rather diluted and not smooth. My colleague said Liefmans tasted like Fanta grape. I also tink tat it tasted more like cocktail from a bottle than a beer.



I didn’t know Kriek is a cherry beer so when it came n I saw e color then I was like -.- this is worse than Liefmans cuz this tasted like cough syrup :SIMG_4159.JPG

Beer and girls

And so my hunt for e perfect Belgian beer continues!

Brigand – a 9.0% alcohol beer. Smooth and fragrant beer but gt bitter aftertaste and….. Gt siap siap feel too so dun really like. I was totally zonked after this beer; think it’s cuz I had prosecco before :p

Tripel Karmeliet beer was a beer recommended by Maritime place guy to go w mussels. Very smooth w a tinge of sweet. But totally no beer taste cuz not bitter at all. Hrumpf! This doesn’t come w corresponding mug

Leffe blond tastes like beer le. Very smooth w a tinge of bitter. When I drank this, I kept burping. I dunno is it cuz I drank too fast. Then when I read online, I realised this beer known for gassy.

Tongerlo – goes well w beef stew and ham. Cuz that’s what I had when I was drinking it. Smooth as most Belgian beer but abit bitter. Tho e bitterness disappear when I start eating haha

Now now for contender w Duvel! La Chouffe! Haha the logo very cute de! It’s a dwarf! This beer is smooth, sweet and w e beer taste. I was thinking whether to get another 1! Cuz there is marching band playing in e backgrd, air is cool. Totally enjoying e moment haha

Tho nxt topic has nothing to do w e beer I drank but I tot beer n girls match.

We managed to walk past Falcon strat twice! It’s Antwerp’s red light district. Once at 6pm when it’s still bright and on our first day in Antwerp! We a accidentally walked in and as we walked … We realise e streets seem to b full of unsavory ppl. Then my colleague started telling me she saw a mannequin moved in the window display ! Haha they r not mannequin!!! They r really skimpily dressed. Some are just strips of cloth to cover e bare necessity. Saw a few where can see e whole boobs area n they looked … Artificial. Quite a few fat one so lotsa cellulite shown. :p It’s quite an eye opener.

Nxt time we went was at night n intentional liao. Haha~ gt this female colleague w erm inquisitive mind; want to see clearer. As we enter e street, uncle colleague asked me walk in front cuz I walk got wind can protect them :-/

Nighttime is when e neon lights are on. Lights are all shine on e bodies. Cannot really see e face. Saw a girl wearing neon lingerie. 😮 somehow the night time girls appear … Thinner.

Anyway a lot of window display w girls in them hav Te Hur placards hanging. We wondered if it’s e place for rent or… …

On our train ride to Brussels today at like 11+am, we also saw such window display at a station near Brussel station! The girls so early start work?

Bread and …. Beer!

For the past 2 days’ lunch, our colleagues kindly helped us bought…. Bread

They are hard and no soup to soften them zzzz I was saying “now we know why Ang moh so 牙尖嘴利; cuz they can 磨牙on such bread”

Then my colleague was saying “I hope they wun buy lunch for us tml liao”

Yeap, tats hw jialat it is. Now tat we got hw bad e bread is away. Let’s go to a good thing abt Antwerp!

Beer!!! They hav like a dozen of beer here. Haha just nice for my 2 wks’ stay.

First up is madman of Brugge. Haha tats wat e bartender told me. Not too bad. Quite light n fragrant.

Nxt is Vedett. Totally ladies’ beer. Very light. No beer taste at all.

Of e 3, I like this best. Duvel. Waitress told me tis is local favourite n it has high alcohol content: 8%. Oops~ this has e very gao n fragrant beer taste but no bitter aftertaste.

Heh tats all e beer I hav till now. Will upd when I try more!