Ko Samui 201311

Always wanted to go Ko Samui but air tix is like freaking exp! But thanks to Zuji, we caught a to-and-fro flight at S$187.30 all taxes included! Shiok!

Exchange rate was S$1 to 25 baht

Wednesday 27 Nov 2013 Singapore -> Ko Samui

Rule no 1 of travel: DO NOT GO SITE ON DAY OF TRAVEL! Its pretty common sense but there are times…. common sense just eludes us. Started calling Comfort for cab at 1640hr. No cab. Tried advance booking. No cab. Tried Transcab. No cab. Called Uber. Yeah got cab! Driver called n say dunno where I m. Tried to direct him; he still dun get it. So he cancelled the cab. Surprised smile In e end, walk out to take bus. Along e way, texted colleagues to see if anyone going back. Heng got person going back and finally i got a ride at 1730hr Confused smile I HATE P*T!

After all the rushing to n fro, finally reached airport and check in and all! haha… felt like munching something but didnt find light snacks to my liking. RY, please put OCK in T4 in future haha….

We finally took a selfie 10 min before our flight! imagine~ tsk tsk~


Introducing the travel folks for this trip: SW, RY and…. ME! Open-mouthed smile

Before we board the plane, I smell some pasta from some cafe so I was telling them I wish onboard serves pasta too.

And….. tadah! hahah Bangkok Airways, make ur dreams come true. I m a genius when it comes to tagline hor?


Very fast, the plane landed. And here we hit the first glitch. We went to the pickup area but didnt see anyone holding my name. Supposedly our resort sent transport to pick us up. So we tot they r late. Then 10 min or so later, we found it just too weird. Cuz normally is they wait for us de ma. So we got the airport information counter to help us make a phone call and she told us they will be arriving soon. Then another 10-15 min later, a van really came to pick us up. When we board the van, I was abit stunned to see a couple already onboard. So I asked them where they board from and they told me from the same airport and …. they flew in from spore too! haha Disappointed smile Apparently the van drove off then u-turn back for us. hahaha… the person picking them up asked “oh only 2 of u?” n they said yes. But there were 2 parties to start with! hahah…


OK then come to e van. Piangz its having some techno lights that keep changing and gave us a headache. Heng ride not long. Then somewhere along a highway, suddenly we stop by the roadside. I was abit worried. Then apparently its for us to change to another vehicle. I was very ?!?!? then it hit me…. the resort on a hill so slopes very steep; need a more power vehicle.

At the recept, we saw this….


then why u leave us at airport? boo hoo~

The recept area. Can you see the DVDs for loan on the table? We borrowed Wolverine and i tink its pirated copy hahaha… some of the rendering of the scenes were not done yet. First time encounter such piracy


OK. finally its turn to go to our villa! Our villa’s name is Orchid Hehe… See hw you indicate whether u want housekeeping.


Its a very spacious villa!P1140423

There is even a loft area!


This pic is of the loft area. I slept here for 1 night. Its really very dark up there hehe… But the most scary portion is the going down the stairs when u r just groggy and I so clumsy. Returned to RY after 1 night.


The big bathroom that comes with Jacuzzi bathtub that I didnt try


Think I dun hav a pic of the dressing area. Sad. But its big too and it comes with…


repellant, coil, spray… watever u nd haha… But we got SW! haha so no nd anything hehe

Oh oh and this is the table of food awaiting us haha…. The resort is quite thoughtful. They said our flight is late and their kitchen closes at 10pm hence asked us if nd to prepare food for us. haha…


Food is decent considering we ate them cold but the fried chicken was too dry.

Oh ya… Hw can I forget abt the balcony! Any form of nuaing u want they also put in! haha


Thursday 28 Nov 2013 Ko Samui

Breakfast is the most impt meal of the day!


They have a mixture of prepare-for-u and buffet style. They have … dim sum! haha And we find the dimsum nicer than alot of places in Spore haha….P1140642

Scrambled egg tastes more like chinese-style fried egg. Lol…IMG_6151

But the potatoes were fantastic so we ordered again and added on some sausages n bacon. I dunno what happen and it came to this. Smile with tongue out


After breakies… we went Chaweng beach haha… The resort actually provides… a beach bag too! haha… See the brown mat bag I m carrying in the pic! It can actually put in 2 beach towels so quite gd. no nd to dirty our own bags Smile with tongue out


But the weather like not very suitable for nua-ing by e beach


So we went to walk the shopping area. Chaweng is like the equivalent of Phuket’s Patong. So lotsa massage, pedi, mani, restaurants, pubs etc. But daytime Chaweng is abit sleepy kind


We r played out by the weather la. 1 moment rain, 1 moment shine. Their rain is like… lao sai! hahah…. when it comes, it will just pour for 15 min or so then stop then the sun come out again then a while later again haha… RY said the weather is a whiplash to her.

The first time we caught in the rain, we hide in this restaurant and ordered some drinks and a squid dish and… roti! haha The roti is like our prata and its done very well crispy! And the squid is fresh and done in a very appetizing manner! haha…


After our teabreak, we took a walk and very soon…. we got caught in another downpour -.-|| Heng this time we near a sheltered place.


After this, we just kinda give up walking and go for a full body massage haha. Quite cheap sia. 250baht for 1 hr of full body oil massage.

But i really scared of pain. Every little thing i also will wince or ouch. My masseur was very amused by me. lol….

When we finish our massage, we decided just to give up the day as gone cause haha… so we went back to e pool and nua!

This is our amazing pool!


The other side of the pool and of course us!


Haha… this pool is small yet more than half of it is the deep until u cant stand kind. RY hold on to e edge and submerged herself. She said her hands almost fully stretched then can touch the floor.

Back to room and we saw…..


Was feeling a wee bit hungry and so it came at a gd time Open-mouthed smile

When we were nua-ing in the pool, i was telling my frenz that I wanna eat Thai zhi char.

So after we bathed, we went to recept and asked for Thai local seafood. And they sure gave us a very good recommendation!

Tarua Samui Seafood Restaurant


The entrance. Look quite modern and all eh


U know… when i tastes e food here…. i start falling in


For some evil reason… RY decided to share the fact that prawn’s DNA is just 1 gene away from cockroach’s DNA. This made SW like totally lose interest in the prawn. hahah… i tink… RY wanna kop SW’s prawn haha tsk tsk

Originally we have a very romantic facing-ocean meal


Then… e rain came so we moved indoors which was quite cooling too.


Actually after we moved in then I realised, their deco is quite nice. The leave-y thingy on the wall


Tadah our indoor seat! hehe… while SW calls resort to send a transport over


The wonderful phone that our resort loaned us to call them whenever we go out. Quite cool. It’s 24-7! But when we call them to fetch us, we nd to pay la. But u always gt a backup plan so u feel secure running ard. hehe…. And this phone got amazing battery life! We didnt need to charge it for the whole time we were there! The good old days of long-lasting phones


Oh. Before I forget…. the food was so good that…. we decided to tabao desserts back to resort! hahah Its very tough to find red ruby in Thailand lo! Hahha… I see liao must eat haha… And this is very good!! The chestnut is more than the flour. Most places do it with more flour so tastes just like bubble tea pearl kind. But tis is crunchy de cuz of the water chestnut.

The banana in coconut milk is abit salty kind of dessert so quite a new dish to us. RY totally


Friday 29 Nov 2013 Ko Samui

Our day starts with us going on our island hopping!

And cuz we need to leave at 7.45am and our resort kindly helped us prepare… breakies!


That amt of pineapple is for… 1 pax hahhaha not for 3 lo. We still have 2 other packs of watermelon and pineapple. haha we couldnt finish.

This time i m scared le… so i board the boat very fast and chope seats haha.. can u spot our beach bag?


Every seat hav a life jacket so feel quite safe…

Give the stormy weather outlook


The staff are quite good. Got these 2 old ladies who cant board the boat cuz of the huge waves so they actually lifted the old ladies on boat haha…


And got this… girl from country C actually clamouring to be carried onboard too -.-|| and totally cutting my frenz queue zzzz…

Our first stop is Koh Nang Yuan! haha… a connection of 3 islands… so on the left of the pic is the hiking area.


When u turn right u will hit the beach. its not a very big beach but waters are clear and little tourists so still good to nua Smile

Once again…. i find myself lacking pics to showcase the beach hahah try to see pass our selcas hahas


There are 2 sides that we can play water in so we started with the section on the right. Hehe… snorkelling masks are loaned to us (if we lost it, we have to pay 1,200 baht) hehe lifevest is just placed just near the beach; we just nd to pick our size wan haha

But not much fishes on this side haha… then very soon… of course… it had to rain

so … no fear! we… can … go have lunch! hahah at 1130hr


I must say…. the food is quite decent for this kind of day tour but tis day tour abit more exp at 1,800 baht. hehe i went back for a few servings of the spicy prawn cake (a decision i will regret later)

After our lunch, we went back to the beach. Tan a while and went into the waters again! But the other side hehe…. there are more fishes here this time. Quite a few of the parrot fishes and some dead corals

Very soon we have to leave e island le…


Actually the weather after lunch was quite gd sunny and all so we get to …. go snorkelling! wheee~

Actually saw yellow corals in the waters haha i tink my first time seeing non-dead corals Open-mouthed smile

3 of us were like 1 of the last few to go back to the boat. hehe Gd job to SW who overcame her fear of waters le! hahah …

Wah the journey back to mainland is like… roller coaster sia! The waves start to get very rough and the boat keep going up n down and i tink the journey was like 1+hr. I felt totally seasick so i raised my hand to get a plastic bag. Once the plastic bag reached my hand, i started puking everything. hahaI tink i puked half a bag out and the spicy prawn cake also came out. ya… eeewwww i know but puked out liao feel so much better hehe Smile with tongue out

When we reach back resort…. we just hav to….. dunk ourselves into the wonderful pool again haha… tis pic is taken using timer so i set liao then hurry jump in so hav a very cuckoo face hahah


Then 1 of the staff came by and asked us to look out into the waters so we got a emo shot haha…. see hw our bikinis are different shades of blue~ lol… we bought there together de! lol… SW almost took my colour for herself. tsk tsk… then she said ya i chose a very nice colour Open-mouthed smile


After soak in pool, its… bathing time! We both picked the same night to wear the same tank top! haha ok… SW’s is sweet pink; mine is bright pink. ok la. same same


hahah then of course out to dinner at the same place that we went the night before! And this time, I ordered cockles! Cuz I saw someone eating it the night before and it was like huge la!


The cockles would have tasted nicer if its warmer haha but ok la i m not complaining since its big n juicy and it goes totally well with their chili! shiokz!

Our sweet n juicy mud crab~ I tell u mud crab is a must-eat at Tarua Samui Seafood Restaurant


RY totally focusing on the food and ignoring our selca attempt haha


Its only in Ko Samui that I know that bananas got so many ways of doing. Tonight’s dessert is fried banana served w a plate of honey dip. Their honey is not those overly sweet kind so it compliment the banana taste very well~


And yes… I decided to take away the red ruby again cuz I dunno when I will get to eat this again!! hahah (but the order turned out to bo bo char char but ok la still hav some red ruby)


We back to rm and played RIPD and… all of us fell asleep not even half way thru. haha I watched the show before lei. it wasnt that boring hahah

Saturday 30 Nov 2013 Ko Samui

Rise and shine to… wet bikinis and a great view!


I really could live like this. haha soak in pool, dinner, wake up tink wat beach to go to, come back and soak in pool again haha

We have been hunting high and low for Thai Iced tea and … our resort breakfast area serves it! hahah See hw gleeful SW looks


After breakies, we caught the 11am free shuttle to Lamai beach. So we just walked along the beach until we caught sight of this fantastic nua-ing place haha Like right out of postcard hor


But to reach this, we have to cut across this… stream of waters with unknown depth haha the staff at this place keep gesturing us to just walk across but we dun dare so in the end they directed us to go through this Zara Resort. Tot the plant feature is quite cool


The pool looks gd for nua-ing haha


Hehe…. bride-to-be along with her sun block (see corner of pic) lol….


the open air thing on the left is the bar place. So we got like 2 bottles of beer. Think each one cost 70 baht or something. Very cheap and we arent charged for the usage of the beach chair! haha mayb they thot we r Zara’s guest?

I like the music here too. Its not the super clubbing music nor the make-u-feel-asleep kind of music. Its like those re-mix bar kind of music. quite gd to chill n all~

How can we resist selca at the pretty beach right? The 2 ang mohs behind are the only other ppl chilling at this stretch haha….


Wanted to take pic of my blue-turned-purple hair and it turned out to be… an emo shot hahaha


After reading, tanning, frolicking in water, we left this pretty stretch at 2+pm to go look for lunch lo… Bye pretty suntan area~ till the next time!P1140573

The street ard Lamai area


The place we picked for our lunch hehe… our criteria? the least ang moh-looking place haha


Our attempt at thai iced tea and it become just iced tea haha


Food here gt the homely taste and not spicy. Then… e auntie brought us a tub of those padi chili then I was like “wahhhh thank u!” Auntie laughed and said, “u must ask”


When we go back to resort, this is what we saw so naturally we…. jumped into the pool! hahah  The pool must be so happy to b utilised. Everyday we r there and everyday we r the only ones lol


I think this angle with us is taken everyday hahaha


My toes wanna take pic w SW hehe


Me reading by the pool while enjoying the sun and the viewP1140598

Then the owner’s resort came by and asked me go into the pool. Haha I jumped in and like choked on water. then he said “ oh i didnt mean to drown u”


After we bathe…. we asked our resort to send us to Chaweng beach area hehe… journey is ard 20 min but cost 400 baht.

While waiting for the ride, we noticed that our resort have a library area too! haha the resort is really a gd place for u to nua


For dinner, once again, we asked the recept to suggest and they told us to go Mit Samui. Its also a wonderful suggestion! I m so going to ask them for every meal’s recommendation the next time I go back.

Maggi mee thai style salad with white fungus. This is spicy!


Ko Samui’s shellfish all like exceptionally big and juicy DSC_0302

Squid and cai po haha


Fried fish yet with the meat still sweet and tender


We finished everything ah! haha … proud


Oh and there’s still RY’s fav mango w sticky rice. I abit tempted to buy mango home for my mum haha cuz so sweet~


I tell u i really

After our bery satisfying meal, we went to walk the streets of Chaweng. Even though it’s Sat night, its still not very noisy and all. hahah not like Patong. Along our walk, I just stocked up on my bikinis haha… like 250baht per set so cheap. Even bought a pair of swimming shorts (that i can fit in! whoopee~) and it cost 300 baht. hehe

Walked till tired then wat u do? go massage lo.

Our masseurs! hehe I was laughing quite loudly then 1 of them ask me to quiet down. so funny


1 thing to note: when u see alot of ang mohs in massage shop, dun go in. haha cuz not shiok de. Even by my scared pain standards, there was hardly any pressure exerted.

For our ride back to resort, we got a cab to send us back at 250baht to the foot of the mountain. While waiting for our resort’s ride, we took photo by the roadside haha


The steep road up to our resort haha… it looks abit creepy at night la


Sunday 1 Dec 2013 Ko Samui -> Singapore

I was tinking to myself if I woke up to pee at 6am, i shall come out and see sunrise.

I did woke up to pee at 6am but i didnt see sunrise. so sad. but did capture a sky w pretty colours.


Our last breakies in the resort…


On our last day in Ko Samui, the weather is just…. fantastic~


Lying on the couch at our balcony…


This is what u see


OK thats it! I m retiring to Ko Samui!

hehe… and what is some nuaing without some grp pic


Our poses all very nice… haha We have complimentary spa/massage for 2 of us then 3rd person got 10% off as part of our package stay. RY and SW went for their massage at 11.30am while i wonder ard the resort and….


take lotsa selcas! Open-mouthed smile haha….

Then 12.30pm come and its my turn lo! I chose some tropical fruit body scrub. hehe… The bed where I do my scrub has a hole at the head area. So that when u face down, u wun feel suffocated. And they still put a very nice pot of water with some floating lily candles there so that u got a pretty picture when u lie down.

After I m done, i really smell quite…. fruity! hahah heng nvr attract fruit flies.

Think I finish close to 2pm and we hurry to our complimentary lunch at the restaurant again.


And of course…. Banana!


The food in general all not bad but of course not fantastic as the 2 dinner restaurants that we went too.

Very upset that its our last meal at the resort le… boo hoo~


After this meal, we gotta rush to airport lo! Our flight is at 4.30pm i tink and we left the resort at like… 3pm or so. haha The recept was like Disappointed smile and said we are very late haha. oh oh upon checkout, the recept gave us this as present! heheh they used their own camera to take a pic of us when we were in e pool once haha… was wondering what they wanna do w it lol


Reached airport without any jams along the way! Heh… we machiam got graduation in expression.


When we touch down, it was at night so didnt get to see the airport properly. haha. When we depart, its daytime le! The airport is open kind. Its looks abit like outlet shopping haha and very resort feel!


This is the wait for boarding area. totally chillax hehe


This is pathway n greenery surrounds the waiting area. Whole airport is the open concept kind. Can tell its designed to relax u. See hw happy SW is with the airport


While waiting, beverages and sandwiches are provided. But because we have been doing nothing but eating the whole day, we just took some drinks haha


Sigh… the plane that is gonna bring us home.. but at least its colourful


And this ends our wonderful trip~ Really have to thank Sandalwood for giving us such a relaxing, lotsa-nice-food trip! Totally understands why our fren’s niece can cry when leaving cuz its such a beautiful place! We will be back~~~ Wait for us~~