Melbourne – Tesselaar Tulip Festival 11 Sep 2016

This is e only non-tour day trip that we took on our own. Mayb thats why I decided to start on this blog first. hehe…

We arranged to meet a newfound friend (NFF) at Flinders Street Station at 0830hr to take the 0906hr train.


I think i told her the wrong station but we still end up at the correct station which is quite cool la. hahaha… Flinders Street Station is like the station closest to CBD area.


Mum insisted we take pics while waiting for the train haha…

Anyway, the train was punctual so we board the train. NFF and mum are happily chatting away and there is this old lady from Hainan, who joined in their conversation. This old lady came to help her daughter look after her kids and she barely know English yet still can navigate around. She told my mum Queensland can catch abalone. -.- My mum ask me where is Queensland. I also dunno hahah

Then we met this 大爷 frm Shanghai who talk very loudly and totally dunno English and yet refused to learn. He is quite funny. He proclaimed that everything is good in Melbourne; ppl r frenly. In his words, “什么都好”。He said the only bad part is no drinking buddies. Then we teased him say he so rich, shld invite his frenz come mah.

So NFF, Hainan lady, 大爷, my parents and I are happily chatting away and never pay much attention to the train announcements until my dad said it sounds like this is the final stop. Then I checked the map. The announcement was at Boxhill but our destination is Lilydale. So we checked with some train conductor and they told us to get off and there will be ppl to direct us.

大爷 said that its Sunday and Sunday usually have disruptions and the train staff will all be v polite cuz they feel its an inconvenience to the passengers.

As we alight the train, there are really staff wearing luminous orange to telling u where to go take the replacement bus. The replacement bus goes through all e missing stops and at every stop, the driver will announce the station’s name. Totally idiot proof.

And i like taking the bus, cuz its like really winding through the towns. I saw this whole town full of Chinese words and hardly any English words haha…. I tink thats like THE chinatown instead of the one in CBD.

大爷 was quite funny here. He went to talk to the bus driver in Chinese! And the bus driver actually replied him politely and in English. 1 chicken,1 duck also can communicate.

Anyway, 大爷, Hainan lady and us soon parted ways cuz they not going to see tulips. Our replacement bus took us to Ringwood train station where we continued on train. Hehe quite a pleasant train disruption experience.

When we reached Lilydale at around 10+am, the signs for bus to Tesselaar was quite big so we didnt miss it. Anyway, I chose to come on a Sunday for the free shuttle bus but in e end when we buy tix at Tesselaar, we still need to buy bus tix otherwise cannot take the return journey. -.-

Shuttle bus timing is placed at where we alight.


The entrance fee is AUD$26. But for elderlies above 60, it is AUD$22. Best part is they dont need to check passport or anything for the age haha My mum was very happy at getting the concession.

The weekend we went was the Turkish weekend so there were quite a few stalls selling kebabs. I wonder what happen when it changes to the Dutch weekend hehe…


So cute right? still got say how far to amsterdam.

After entering, this is half the field we will see.


Behind me is another smaller garden with a few more variety of flowers.

Us with NFF.


Then all 3 of us! rare pic cuz dad walked a while then tired liao so he went to take a seat near the entrance to wait for us.


Cuz it rained the night before, the grounds were all muddy. Our shoes all caked w a thick coat of mud haha… There are those stands for u to wipe the mud off but…. some stands r totally full of mud liao i tink also not much use hahah…

Somehow all my pics r all of flowers. I really didnt take much of anything else lol…. There is this tractor ride going round the garden at an additional AUD$5. But we didnt take cuz… this area so smallll….. haha


As we walked, I took random closeup of the flowers.



I told my mum that lunch there will not b nice and will be quite exp so we just eat abit there. In the end, she scared my dad hungry so she brought along alot of the muffins n cookies that we bought in supermarket. ohoh and even hard boiled eggs haha….

But anyways, I still went to take a look at the food options. 2-3 kebab stalls but no one buying. There is this holland stall selling some potato cakes and another one selling those potato chips on a stick wan. So the potato chips on a stick is made of read potato! They have this machine that sliced the potatoes and stick it onto a stick. Like those Korean style wan sold in SG.

1 stick costs like AUD$7 and there’s a variety of flavours u can choose from. Flavours like chili lime, bacon cheese etc etc. The bacon is just a flavouring not real bacon.

I also bought the potato cakes but those v oily. not nice wan. Heng mum brought oranges so can wash off the oil. :p

After lunch, we went to the back of the garden, the one at the back of the first pic. There was a stage with some belly dancers and loud music. I was wondering…. the belly dancers not cold ma? hahah

Its a smaller, more enclosed area with flowers other than tulips. They decorated this smaller area quite nicely. For a moment, I really tot I in Holland haha



Mum was very excited to see oranges on the trees. Haha She said she wanna go back Melbourne and pick fruits next time.


Hahah I like this pink tree a lot.


After I took this pic, NFF and my mum also wanna take similar pic hehe… I think i really like to see flowers a lot. After finishing the whole garden, I still abit 不舍得 leave so I went back to the main area at 2+pm. Mum didnt come along this time cuz … she cleaned her shoes le hahaha….

But it was a gd move for me cuz less ppl le! See! I can get a gd shot w minimum ppl walking in.


I walked to the back of the garden to take these 2 shots hehe so happy less ppl le.



After these shots, I finally went back to look for my parents. Haha My dad was very cold liao so he was hiding in some shelter. Oops. We then hurry walked to board the shuttle bus at 3.35pm.

Back at Lilydale, we took the train and when we reached Ringwood, the train is still undergoing maintenance so we need to take replacement bus. Mum asked the train staff how long the bus will run till. They will run all the way till train end. 😀 Mum asked cuz she saw a mall near Ringwood station hehe… Ringwood Eastland!

Mum say this is their local mall so shld hav cheaper stuff hehe… i did bought a pair of boots here w a wee bit of heels. My sneakers by then is very muddy but the salesperson still want to help me pick up my sneakers n keep them cuz I wanna wear my new boots immediately. My mum stopped the salesperson and I hurriedly keep my own muddy sneakers haha

My mum went abit crazy over shopping at the supermarket here. I think cuz its bigger and more spacious and less ppl. Supermarkets close at 9,10pm but the retail shops close at 6pm. sad 😦

Anyway, so we shopped then we go eat. Hehe my mum keep saying wanting to eat seafood but closest we can find is this fish n chips place: Hunky Dory.


As it is still spring, the restaurant still have heater on. We dun really like heater so we sat outdoor. The good thing abt dining in Melbourne is they always provide u with water. ok #random

I think we went abit overboard ordering food for 3 pax. This seafood platter is for…. 2 pax.


At least this is a salad!


This is v random but my mum say OZ mutton v nice n I feel like having something meaty too so just nice.


Think I liked the grilled seafood best cuz still retain the freshness of the seafood.

When all the food are served, my mum joked to the waiter and said alot of food. The waiter said “I’m sure u all can do it.” When he came back to clear the plates, he teased us and said “See! I knew u all can do it” haha…

When we finished dinner, skies v dark le and my parents are freezing! haha I think my jacket is v thick so I tot it was still ok. So we hurriedly go take the replacement bus for our journey home lo!

And so end our beautiful day 😀

Melbourne 201609

Exchange rate: S$1.034 to AUD$1

Someone asked me why go Melbourne haha My reply was … cuz air tix cheap :’) Actually I wanted to bring my Mum to Swiss and London or maybe Iceland. Then somehow my mum said those places too far; she dun want take such a long flight. So… we ended up at Melbourne lo. A few days after she suggested Melbourne, I saw there are some tix left on SQ at $6xx so tadah! Off we flew~


We took cab from airport to our apartment and it costs AUD$65. For our return journey from apartment to hotel, I decided to depart half an hour earlier and try Uber :p The uber driver is not local and can barely speak English so think he dun really know the roads so he horland for 10-15 min then reach our apt. Heng we plan early. Check out the price this: its like AUD$49 before the first timer promo. Thats like a good 20% cheaper le.


There are buses from airport to town. There is this Skybus meant for tourists but its like AUD$19 per pax. So once you have more than 2 pax, its doesnt makes sense to take the Skybus anymore. In fact even for 2 pax, I think its justifable for Uber on the return journey le. We met this solo traveller at the airport waiting for cab. Haha her fren stays in e suburbs. She was taking cab too. I wonder how much her cab fare will be since its slightly further than the city.

Within the CBD region, there are free tram rides. However, our apartment is next to Crown Casino there so its like 1-2 stops away from the CBD. Hence we always walked like 10-15 min for our free tram ride lol.

Within Melbourne, they used this card named Myki card for their transport. The myki card costs $6 and this cost is non-refundable. So we topped up with $24 cuz I figured we need 3 days of travel and 1 full day of travel is $7.80 each ma. Then dunno why got 1 day the travel only cost $5.90 and another day we only travelled for 2 hours so my myki card got $8 left! But Myki card got surplus money cannot take out wan :@ I asked the person who sold me and a train conductor. Train conductor v nice still tell me validity is for 4 years.


The trams are pretty interesting. They have the super old fashion kind and the super-modern-look-like-train kind. hehe This pic was taken a tram conductor. He was saying he dun have an iPhone so he gonna run away w it funny.

The thing abt e tram stops is…. sometimes they are in the middle of the road so I really spent the first few days hunting them. This is 1 of the more obvious ones. There was this 1 that is like really just in e middle of the road with no shelter and a super tiny sign. -.- If I had nvr alight there before, I wouldn’t have known its a tram stop.


And I realised I am quite a direction idiot. Haha After 2-3 days navigating Google maps, my dad more or less got the hang of the bus and tram system ard our apt so he could actually tell me where e stops are but i still need…. my Google Maps hahaha


Our accomodation is found by my mum haha… Quite amazing. She actually found Experience Bella Hotel Apartments that is just behind the casino and only costs S$180 per apt per night. It comes with 2 rooms and 1 bathroom. The kitchen is open kitchen and comes w a big sink.


So this is 1 side of the living room. The table in front of the stove is the table in the next pic.


The view from the balcony is just so cool. We stayed on lvl 29.


The night view is a typical city skyline but still quite chio.


The apartment is actually quite nice and convenient but the main problem is the service. Imagine coming back late at night and…. the room card doesnt work. So we stayed on lvl 29 right? So we have to take e lift back down and activate the cards then come back up. Good thing is the lift is fast but still…. ley chey u know.

And and my mum dun like housekeeping so we normally hang the no housekeeping sign but we still need to top up the tea and toiletries ma. But the receptionist always give us very little replenishment so we have to keep going to them. V mafan.

I do wonder if they did all these cuz I booked then cancelled then booked again cuz of cheaper pricing anot haha…


So my mum went to the casino EVERY night. Like even after the Great Ocean Road tour which starts at 7.30am and ends at 9.30pm. Of the 9 nights, I went with her for 7 nights. My dad got the “guard duty” for the 2 nights. hehe… cuz even though the walk is short, it is through a deserted alleyway next to a carpark so my dad say we cant walk alone there.

My winnings for the first 6 nights are (in AUD$): 1.50, 10, 20, 40, 12, 5.5, 26

Then on my last night… i lose….. AUD$70! haha… My mum said cuz I too happy that the bouncer thot I m 16 yrs old and wanted to check my passport. My mum was v amused that the bouncer wanted to check my passport so she asked the bouncer (in her smattering English) whether is it only 21 can go in. The bouncer replied her that ya she is 21 so she can go in but I m 16 so I cant haha…

hehe my mum play roulette so I play together w her. Quite fun. But everytime I lose a bit then I will go catch pokemon and arrange a meetup time w my mum le.

We first went to casino on Sunday night then Monday night etc. Every night it was quiet and lotsa spaces but on Friday and Saturday, it transformed to this super glamorous and happening place. Lotsa dressed up ppl walking ard. The girls all wearing low cut and super high heels like all out to party.

Markets and shopping

We went to 3 markets in total: Prahran Market, Queen Victoria Market and South Melbourne Market. Prahran Market was a waste of time cuz 1) its small and 2) its expensive. Heng we went supermarket the day before liao so we agar agar know the pricing there. So after Prahran Market, in order not to waste our bus fare, we took bus to Queen Victoria Market which is like 40 min away only haha….

Somehow all these 3 markets are closed on Monday like SG markets. So 巧. Then they take turns to be closed throughout the week too so must check before going.

South Melbourne Market is small but quite a bit of stuff here. Here is where there are most number of oysters stalls. With tables and lemons provided.


South Melbourne Market has lots of pastries stuff too. I bought a big macaron for AUD$2.50 at a AUD$0.50 discount cuz it was abit crushed. Oh wells~~ It was totally crushed within 5 min of reaching my hands so its ok hehe.

I saved the best market for the last: Queen Victoria Market. Some ppl say it’s a touristy market but its still pretty good and… huge! The variety of stuff there is just amazing. Range from clothing, souvenirs, meat, fruits, veggies, fresh seafood; they even have 1 whole section for preserved food.

My mum went to Melbourne saying she want to buy abalone haha I was like huh…. get frm where so our time to Queen Victoria Market, we keep walking up n down the seafood section and only saw the vacuum packed ones. Quite exp think AUD$50 for 2 abalones.

Then 2nd time we went back and this time we saw! Live ones!! Still moving~


Mum very excited and bought 5 then we walked further down… and saw another stall also hav then she bought another 5 @ AUD$5.50 each. The more expensive ones nicer tho. Hehe we brought back to apt and she jz boil them in plain water lo cuz we had no seasoning w us. Wah but it still tastes damn good!

Melbourne ppl r generally quite frenly. Given our skin colour, the stall owners are still v frenly to us. My mum, being a typical auntie, was digging for the bottom most potato. The stall owner looked at me and grinned, “those at the bottom are always e freshest right?” :’) He said in a joking manner and he didnt stop my mum frm digging her treasure too funny.

For Queen Victoria market, the fresh seafood and meat are going at a discount close to closing time so for those who cook their own meals, actually can go there buy. My fren said we can actually request them to vacuum pack the meats to fly home but oh wells… my mum just interested in flying the abalone home. hehe and it was a successful operation!

1 interesting thing about Australia produce is…. you would expect for a country that produce its own food, the things will be cheaper. But amazingly they cost abt e same as in SG. 1 gd example is the Capilano honey; for the same volume, SG one cost S$6 but Melbourne one cost AUD$6 haha…. like huh….. My dad says their loaf of bread also cost abt the same price as those in SG. Their supermart sells nice freshly baked cookies tho and i tink cheaper than SG hahah it’s soft cookies like Subway kind. I like #random

Pandora is about the only cheap thing there. hahah like 30% cheaper. And I helped so many ppl so…. I also gian myself into buying one hahah Tadah my loot!


Haha… Its AUD$89 but in SG it costs S$120. Hehe Spend a min of AUD$300 and u will be entitled to … 9.x% tax rebate (Sounds so advertorial)


Food in Melbourne costs abt the same as in SG…. in SG restaurants anyway. hehe Beer is not cheap! Got 1 cold rainy night, I just feel like having steak while my parents just want to eat kway teow soup so…. we had dinner separately. In end, I just hav burger only. But can la the beef patty is shiok enuff


This pic cost like AUD$30 with the beer costing AUD$10. So really like a Singapore meal right but grants this is in the casino area.

All our breakies (except for 1st day) are bought from supermarket. So they are either cookies, muffins, breads, eggs, chocolates, chips etc hahah my fav kind of breakies.

Our one and only day breakies out is at Hardware Societe. Supposedly need to wait very long. We reached ard 1045hr and the wait was around 10-15 min so quite ok. The place is quite cramp but the service is good and food is good too. It’s actually quite close to the shopping stretch.

Me being stuck in a tiny corner haha this table is actually jz nxt to doorway so I gotta sit in the corner.


Think my dad really love this dish haha… It was something i randomly chose for him.


Hardware Societe is famous for…


Baked eggs! Quite yummy but i think there r spice or what used that my parents arent too comfortable with.

Lunch is usually walk until where and we eat where. There were 2 lunches where we had this laksa from Queen Victoria market food court hahah


Dun see it no up. Its really quite spicy but the amt of seafood inside is quite amazing for AUD$15.

My parents are into seafood so we ate v lil meat for this trip. There is this Degrave Street which is full of hippie restaurants and I saw a few places selling paella so I just gotta try 1 of them.

We tried the one at Eliana Lulu The king prawn is amazingly fresh but the rice does have a spice that I m not used to. Mum totally love this dish. I shld bring her try Spore ones.


What really wows me away at Eliana is their “It’s Not About You” ie chili prawn pizza. This is a must eat.


The waiters at Eliana are quite nice too. They actually chatted with my mum (with me as interpreter) haha.. 1 of the waiter stayed in Singapore for a while; Bukit Timah area somemore 😮 haha

Day Tours

There are numerous day tour agencies around the Melbourne Visitor Centre. Quite a few have Chinese signage. To mitigate risks for our day tours, I booked the Great Ocean Road tour online with Escape Discovery Adventures and 2 tours at the Melbourne Visitor Centre. My colleague told me booking at Visitor Centre is entitled to 10% discount but we didnt get to enjoy lei. Sad.

Anyway, Escape Discovery did turn out to pick us and it was a wonderful experience but of course at a slightly higher price.

Now for Melbourne Visitor Centre, need to be careful abit cuz the ppl there will try to push you go the more expensive tours which is essentially same as the cheaper tours. So anyway, I booked 2 tours with Great Sights and in e end the tours I joined are the GrayLine ones. GrayLine is priced at a premium.

Oh oh and puffing billy no nd tour wan I tink go on our own can le.

All in all I am glad that I did day tours in Melbourne cuz for some nights, the roads r like in total darkness. I cant imagine driving then.


– Go airport early if want to claim tax rebate. I spent a good 40 min in the queue and eventually I made it cuz a lot of ppl left the queue cuz the flight is taking off. Rem to keep your goods with you as they might check.
– I knew a family of Singaporean there. The daughter helped them buy the Myki card on carousel. Wah like quite smart hor.
– This whole trip of 10 days cost ~ S$2500 for me. Include air tix, access, shopping, day tour, food etc etc. I think I got budget left for another trip this year! Woo hoo~

PS: This blog is written using Blogo which is like worse than Scribe. So if anyone knows of any good blog writing app on Mac OS that can upload multiple pics at 1 go, pls tell me.