Penang Makan Trail 201407 – Day 3

7 Jul Monday – LAST day le Crying face

Our day started w me wanting to eat the char siew pastry from Tho Yuen haha and I got my wish!


The pastry is really fragrant like biscuit. Its also hard like biscuit haha oops~

Their egg tart is nicer tho! haha Shld have gotten this instead


Nxt up is…. ok the original intention was to go eat curry mee. Then along the way, we pass by De Tai Tong dim sum place and it was very packed w ppl and the dim sum all look very interesting.

YW said, “up to u all la. cuz i wun eat e curry mee”

Wah then we are like “ok la for YW! lets go in! haha wait he got nothing to eat at curry mee there”

Here goes by another kind of cart


Aunties here are very 热情! keep asking us to order and eat more~ Wat was meant to eat a little bit became a full scale breakfast


Sadly, we didnt take a pic when the table was at the fullest cuz …. we r just oo busy la hahah

This is the first dish and amazing dish. haha we really wiped this plate cuz the carrot cake is damn gd and the beansprout is stir-fried to just nice texture.DSC_0139

Subsequently, we ordered their carrot cake and we understood why the first dish was so nice. U can really taste the carrot in their carrot cake. MUST eatDSC_0143

Their chee cheong fan is vry gd cuz of the very fragrant shallots and…. the chili!DSC_0135

They have quite a few of their own creations. This being 1 of them and also very nice


We simply ordered too many dishes to be all shown here so just selected dishes Smile with tongue out


De Tai Tong Cafe
45 Cintra Street
10100 Penang

Our meal totalled to RM67 which surprised us cuz we really ordered ALOT! much much more than Tho Yuen from the day before.

Penang Makan Trail 201407 – Day 2

6 Jul Sunday – Hot day

Day 2 start with…. food! What else right haha everyday must start with breakfast. Heh… we wanted to start the day w… kway teow soup But we walked past this dim sum place and there’s alot of ppl inside so we just go in grab erm.. some bites.


I was actually lured by the chicken rice to go over and peep while YW locate his bearings. Then I saw alot of ppl hav dim sum! hehe

Tea is served once we sat down and we went for 香片cuz I believe…. dim sum must go w tea to 去油 Smile with tongue out


Their pushcarts in this resaurant is like this. Dun tink the food will be cold eh. The netted portion of the cart is heated de. Food served are like… piping hot; will scald ur tongue kind of hot


Their steamed spare ribs is a must-eat. Its soft n tender. Normally I dun eat spare ribs at dim sum cuz its always tough and not nice. This is like… so different. RY tried it first and started exclaiming for all of us to eat


Har gao is packed with juicy prawns and… we ordered another plate of it cuz no enuff.

Nxt up the ytf-lookalike thingy is packed w fresh meat goodness. and the other dish is braised duck. Duck is normally tough; this is… braised to tenderness too.


Seaweed chicken that … dun taste/look like frozen food. Amazing …


The glutinous rice here tastes different frm Spore’s. They have a special taste which is in a good way. Cuz not so 腻


Wah tis is 1 of my fav for the morn. Polo bao. Must-eat also. I dunno wats the orangey thing but it just tastes damn gd la. The rest keep laughing at me and ask if I will get seconds. Sad smile so mean of them. (I tink i might hav if i got another morning there)


Since half of their signboard goes to chicken rice, we ordered that too. But this was quite a disappointment. The rice not as fragrant as Singapore’s and chicken is so-so only.


Tho Yuen Restaurant
92 Campbell Street,
10100 Penang, Malaysia

Our meal totalled to RM54.90! I think quite cheap lei; considering the amt we ordered. Alot of blogs mentioned that its closed on Tuesdays.

After breakies, we decided to go do some walking before errr eating again. So QL suggested Sun Yat Sen’s museum hehe… And of course, YW have to navigate! haha

Along the way to the museum, we pass by quite a few nice looking shophouses.

This is favourite cuz of its vibrant colour and its green n purple! behe trishaw came at right time too


English lookin lamp post and yeap its a beautiful day~


Some of the tiles really look intricate and all the contrasting design just match well.


The road is actually interspersed with the old and new shophouses. Guess for me I always more attracted to the quirky designs. Our tour guide couple!


Along the way there are signs to point out e way to u. So quite good upkeep for this UNESCO place


Our main focus is to go Sun Yat Sen (to digest our food) haha but along the way we chanced upon this empty shophouse.


Uncle invited us in to take a look! The whole place looks very well-maintained for an unused place.


See the nicely painted windows with e equally pretty WH as model

The 天井 area. Got the 1970s feel

WH and I totally costume ta-match with the stairway


The very “flowery” and Peranakan feeling tiles.


As we were walking around, we are thinking that actually it will make quite a nice boutique hotel of mayb 4,5 rooms? haha Then YW start chitchatting with uncle on the rental and all. Uncle say this shophouse is going for RM7000-8000. Then he said very cheap lo cuz another similar shophouse facing the main road is going for RM30,000. YW started dreaming of his workplace being there haha but tink will fat die him la.

This shophouse is next to Sun Yat Sen’s memorial place. Its not really the place he stayed at but more of their meetup place. Entrance fee of RM5 is required.


The hallway. Really very southeast asian chinese feel. The peranakan tiles with the chinese heading.


Another 天井!


I guess ppl in the past also got problem choosing hats like I have problem choosing bags?


Where modern technology invade this 1900s space.IMG_1981

The circular stairway reminds me of my dad’s old shophouse where there is circular white stairway at the back too. My bros used to climb up n down just for fun


Kitchen area. Really like walk straight out of movies hor


After we walked 1 round, YW found the guide who explained to them during the last time QL and him came here. He is a very passionate and animated speaker. He told Sun Yat Sen’s story as if its a action movie haha but somehow….. I was abit dozing off. Must b due to the dim sum haha…. Anyway something struck me there: For a revolutionary man, he sure is ok with polygamy Smile with tongue out

After the visit, its finally YW’s Tiger Char Kway Teow time! He have been talking abt the char kway teow since our Gurney dinner haha

Address: 179, Carnavon Street, 10300, Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hours: 8am to 2:30pm. Opens Daily.

This is how the outside look like


The signboard is pretty cute too.


Its neighbour is a hokkein prawn me which is soup based de. Not the stir fried kind in spore haha cuz I made e mistake there. I keep having the stire fried one in my mind when they say Hokkein Prawn mee.


Tadah! THE char kway teow of Penang. The taste is very different from SG’s. They use less of the black soy sauce. 5 of us shared 1 plate but i think…. YW found it very unsatisfying so he went to get 1 for himself haha


For me, I prefer the prawn mee instead haha… the soup very flavourful but the prawns are tiny haha will be better if got bigger prawns Smile with tongue out


Eat full full then…. we go… shopping lo! haha For tambun biscuits to bring home Smile with tongue out Along the way, we chanced upon this very old place. I can totally imagine a ghost movie being shot here hehe


WH’s colleague introduced her to this shop and we actually found it. heheh it looks like a residential place


The biscuits turned out quite cheap. 1 box of tambun biscuits was RM9 and its the biggest box. My fav beh teh soh cost like RM4.50 per pack. So with this 1 trip, we settled all our 手信 to bring hm lo

Its such a hot day so we need….. desserts! Chendol! We went to find Penang Road Famous Teochew Chendol, which is actually outside a place named Jooi Hooi cafe. This Jooi Hooi cafe is actually labelled in Google Maps haha

475 Jalan Penang, Georgetown,
10000 Georgetown, Pulau Pinang

How the store front looks like.


But very hard to see la… cuz … tis is wat u will see when u reach haha


The chendol. Heh… i find it not bad but wun particularly crave for it. mayb cuz i m not a chendol fan


As we are q-ing, I saw that their chrysanthemum drink really have alot of chrysanthemums inside so I decide to buy 1 packet to try. Its a freaking big packet lo! almost overflow haha but tis is really thirst-quenching sia. very shiok to drink on the hot hot day.


After desserts, we head back to hotel to dump our shopping and wait for Stanley, the one who sent us over frm the airport. He agreed to charge us RM30 per hour to bring us to durian farm and kek lok see Open-mouthed smile His contacts as follows.IMG_1940

The ride to the durian farm is ard an hr+ or so. So due to the heat and the amt of food, I dozed off. Now here comes the funnily frustrated part. I was just like sleeping so well then Stanley asked us to detour to go see the beach. Then ok lo we go see… Its so…. mediocre until I dun have any pics of it hahah

I was abit grumpy; for this, I woke up?! haha

Then next up Stanley intro us to this national park.


Which we didnt climb in cuz we arent exactly in hiking gear or mood. We just want our durian! Angry smile

Hehe but e national park hav this funny piece of weather-telling wood that made all of us laugh haha so not all is lost.


This time when we board the car, we told Stanley to just go durian farm haha…

Ok its really a ulu place and lotsa winding road and all. But we really saw alot of durians hanging frm e trees! All of us city folks were like so excited. Oh ya… ulu is ulu but there are cars every now and then.

Finally we reached!


The view that greet us when we alight from the car. Ahhh THIS IS sightseeing la! haha


Then we have to walk down this very steep slope to reach the place for durians. Saw a van that barely climbed up. Shagged… I tink human legs walk up easier haha.

The durian eating area


Here is when we receive the devastating news…. They dun have enuff durians for us!! Sad smile Cuz we nvr call and book. So the young chap there very nice…. gave us their namecard

photo 3

Must call and book before going for wkends!

But the young chap still very nice la. He saw us so poor thing so still squeezed a few kg of red prawn durian out for us haha… and they were great!


They even have brochures to tell the different kind of durians there are…

photo 1

They also have villa there. haha amazing~ But its really up in e mountains so I wun go stay there ba. Cuz will miss all the nice food in georgetown hehe

photo 2

I cant rem hw exactly many kg we ate here but it totalled to RM90. I think we had ard 2.5kg to 3 kg like that

And of course, we arent satisfied so we asked Stanley to drive us to another stall that we saw along the way. And here we are!


Bao sheng’s durians are slightly better cuz its not as cloying taste. Uncle here is quite nice too. Gt 1 durian have a small area spoilt so we told him and he gave us another medium sized one for replacement. hahah…. Durian here cost us RM85

hehe Adding Bao Sheng in, we had a total of 6.5kg of durian. WH keep saying thruout the trip haha so thats why i rem Smile with tongue out

Here got mangosteen as well. Only RY volunteered to eat w me so I got a pack @ RM6 to eat. And its actually sweet de! No sour one at all! And I gt talent in opening mangosteen! Haha so I opened as few and shove it at WH to eat too hehe


Oh oh and they provided us with cups of mineral water, FOC Open-mouthed smile

We left here ard 4+, close to 5pm so its kinda late to go kek lok si but we still went cuz…..


hahaha assam laksa!! My favourite!! Lol… we reached here at 5.30pmIMG_2202

We ordered 2 bowls to share among the 5 of us cuz we are just too full of durians haha. 1 bowl @ RM4

I can tell u this is the BEST assam laksa I had. Why? Everytime I have assam laksa in SG, its always just veggie and very little liao so it feels like just noodles with the soup. Back to Air Itam’s. Theirs is not too spicy and the sourness not too much; the balance is there. Most impt part is… the soup is full of fish meat! Assam laksa is not just noodles n soup!! bwhahah I learnt something new Smile with tongue out


I so wanted to order another bowl for myself but I m really filled to the brim le. sad. We saw some ngoh hiong stuff and order 2 slices too


Very nice too but i still ❤ the assam laksa more!

Now here comes the power part… we drove all the way so near to kek lok si but we didnt go in! hahah cuz it was like 6pm when we done eating le so think no pt go over.

We asked Stanley to send out to Batu Ferringi. Hahah think he was abit stunned that we came all the way to eat only hahah

We reached Batu Ferringi to see the pasar malam being set up. But the pasar malam is totally boring. Every other stall is selling fake branded bags. haha they are quite updated tho; saw this Michael Kors messenger bag which QL has been eyeing there. hehe … E remaining stalls alternate between kids pyjamas and accessories. We walked a while sianz liao then we went… foot massage!

RM25 per pax for 30 min. RY was saying that it was quite painful and she was surprised that I didnt make noise. haha I did grimace la but tink she didnt see, But the massage is quite gd la. After the massage, my legs are less uptight.

After massage its time for…. dinner! hahah Ok… today really just eating nia haha

First up oyster omelette. Not nice cuz its the nua kind. so I dun like


Nxt up is all the bbq stuff. This sotong is very nice cuz of the sauce haha.. glad we had rice to eat with e sotong. Towards the end, we put rice on the plate to scoop up e sauce hehe


Surprisingly the prawn’s sauce is differnet from the soton. Also quite nice. Tho I must say the prawn looks like…. insects Smile with tongue out


The grilled fish is not too dry and have e bbq taste. Tho this makes me miss me the Gurney Drive stingray haha I dunno why since they are very different styles of cooking


Veggies~ WH was saying that we seem to eat very lil veggies these few days haha…


Satay which was soso only


Ah ha! Chicken wings! Very good! The thigh is very tender and the wings are crispy on the outside and tender inside haha… QL was tinking of tabao back to hotel hahah Smile with tongue out


Batu Ferringi is really far from Georgetown. Cuz there is 5 of us so we had to take 2 cabs. Each cab was like RM40 for a 20-30 min drive. RY, WH and I were in 1 cab. This cab driver was totally scary la! First he drive onto opp direction traffic; ok.. for small lanes and overtaking then ok. But later on when we were entering a highway, he did the same thing! I was like OMG~ my life in danger and he kept stepping on brakes so I was feeling abit carsick. I closed my eyes so that wun see more.

As we are approaching Trader’s hotel, he tailgated this car who stopped at the side and our cab driver actually cursed n horned him!! I tell u 3 of us cant get out of the cab fast enuff Confused smile

Anyway we alighted at Traders hotel is to go find this nice Ah Balling place which was closed! Sad… In e end, we just walked back to hotel and do our packing cuz its our last night le Sad smile

Penang Makan Trail 201407 – Day 1

5 Jul Saturday – Hot day

This trip started out…. W lotsa shopping! At Changi airport! Hahha…
Our flight is at T2 but after we pass immigration, we head straight to T3! Cuz WH wanna go collect her Michael Kors. Hahah tsk tsk …. She reserved yday but nd to b on day of departure then enjoy e 7% off gst.

So anyways, I saw Loewe in e distance so I wanted to go look-see too. And this caused e 2nd damage! RY gt reminded of a bag she was looking at! Hahah and she was in such a dilemma.

So I decided to buy her time n go Swarovski see how much is this bangle tat I was eyeing. Now this bangle is…. Thin and I prefer chunky ones. But the crystals r really bling~ and it’s meant for stacking de. Each one cost $210 outside! So to stack need a substantial amount. Hahha to cut a long story short, with less 7% gst and WH’s 10% staff discount, each one become $177! So….. I bought 3! Hahha 2 black and 1 rose gold! I saved $102 in total! Omg!!! I ❤ Changi Airport!

Anyway, back to RY. Thru all my trying of bangles, she has decided to buy! Her Loewe bag! Yippee!!! After she made her decision, it was chope chope curry pok. Hahha and a mad rush!

Cuz both WH and RY purchases quite bulky, so they decided to store in some luggage compartment at Changi Airport hahah so they hav to rush there while e remaining 3 of us strolled to e gate :p

We did board our plane to an uneventful n short flight.

Finally we start our day 1 in Penang!

We got approached at the airport for a ride to hotel at 80 ringgit and since there is 5 of us, we jz take lo to save trouble hehe…

Our hotel ~ Chulia Heritage Hotel

It’s a short way in frm e main road

Oh ya… Introducing the foodies for this trip:


Girls from left to right: RY, QL,me, WH
Guy: YW (who kenna e job of navigator as well. I really appreciate his presence cuz it means i no nd to differentiate left and right)

Back to the hotel: the room is quite big cuz we got a 4-pax room


But the bathroom is tiny lo. Once we bathe, toilet sure wet wan.

All in all, I think this hotel fulfil the basic stuff: towels provided, refill of drinking water everyday. So it’s really value for $$ but QL said she can hear ppl upstairs making sounds tho. And i can hear e rain splattering down too. Rooms not very soundproof.

Ok enough abt e hotel! It’s time for food!!!
First up! Wanton mee!

Noodles is very QQ kind without e kee smell. Wanton is not bad but I think HK wan more shiok.

And u see e hot cuppa nxt to it? Hazelnut white coffee! Yum yum. Very aromatic… Now I feel like having another cup.

Nxt up is getting connected! We went Gurney plaza to buy our SIM cards. Quite cheap. RM16.80 for $8 worth of call n 2 days of 150mb data. We just nd it to coordinate when we take different cabs so we just gt e basic lo. Rem to bring passports along!

Gurney Plaza is very … singapore. Gt ktv, cinema, fitness centre. Many many lvls of shopping. And…. It’s capital mall’s.

Fren wanna visit supermarket so off we went. Along the way, we pass by Mochi sweets. Which I hav been wanting to try but it’s kinda exp in spore. Here, price is same as SG but it’s in ringgit. Hehe Tadah! Tried e peach cream wan at RM3.50 each


It’s quite yummy, like snow skin mooncake like that. A palette cleanser. I like!

Overseas supermart always sell different things frm spore. Even corntos packaging is different.


They are also into LINE characters there! Hahha Ql actually bought these and they are RM10.90 each lo hahah


We actually stocked up on chips (which we didn’t eat in e end) and then it’s time to start… Dinner at Gurney Drive!

Rather touristy place but some of e food still surprise me.

First up! Cockles! Haha I chose this stall which have plates of cockles stacked up at e front and the cockles are still moving. WH looks pretty disgusted when I told her that. :p


And the cockles are really juicy n fresh! Very shiok. Only regret is e chili; not e sour or chinchalo kind.

Nxt up is… My favourite liao! Assam sambal stingray!!
This cost RM20 and it’s rather big piece and e meat is very thick. Totally love e chili spread on top cuz it’s not just sambal chili. They actually added Assam into it so it’s very appetizing. Haha ok it may b just my tastebud tho. QL and YW prefer e spore version. For me, I ❤ this version and will go back Gurney just to eat this dish.

This one I did take e stall front! Hehe
Uncle wear shirt and pants to cook. Haha … Btw, long wait of 20min so order first.

The following squid is also frm same stall so same sambal sauce. Sauce is gd; squid tastes bland so Mayb shall skip this.

From the same stall, I saw ppl bring away CLAMS! Haha Grilled style and no chili. The clams looks juicy and big haha… Note to self: to try nxt time

Rojak – not bad. Gt more ingredients than spore and their youtiao is fried till crispy kind

Oyster omelette – bad. It’s the Taiwan style ie soggy kind. Kinda wasted cuz they actually very generous w e oysters but too bad

Char kway teow – prawns very fresh tho I find this dish normal. The rest quite like it tho. But think I didnt take pic of it oopsy

After dinner, we strolled ard Gurney drive area hoping to find more food but sadly…. didnt. Only see a very artistic roundabout?


Then we tink tink and decide to go checkout KTV @ Gurney Plaza. Its not cheap sia. RM48 per pax tho include free flow dinner hehe but we are quite full le. (Except for YW who went to buy a Mac Filet O fish meal back to hotel)

Oh oh along the way to checkout KTV, we also bought… Muah chee!


its soft n nice! Everyone love it!

After YW bought his mac, we then made a move back to hotel room lo. Bathe and its time to start our game night! haha not gambling but Citadel! This time, we replaced Assassin with Bewitched so that there wun be senseless killing. Poor WH kenna the “victim” of the night. She kenna stole from and bewitched like for the first 3 rounds then after that on and off. She is not as Heng as she tot? Smile with tongue out

I think the ultimate came when….. she kenna bewitched cuz she is King and when her cards gt magicked over by magician haha alll in e same turn!


Close to the end of the game, World Cup started! YW and WH got very distracted then haha then YW chope chope curry pok end e game and… won! hehe… Then YW and QL went back to their room. RY and I off the lights and go slp. Then WH cont watching the game w lowered volume. She sure watched till very gan cheong cuz I can hear her sigh at a near miss hehe… Shortly after which I KO lo hehe…